When a poet wishes to use figurative language he or she will use words that are


Answer 1
Answer: When a poet wishes to use figurative language he or she will use words that are double in meaning. The poet may use an exaggerated expression or something nonhuman, anthropomorphosize, use the figure of speeches like apostrophe, simile, hyperbole, metaphor, personification, oxymoron, and many others.
These figurative language gives style to the author, creating a more artistic figure in writing that entices reader to actually delve into and know its true identity or interpretation.

Answer 2

Answer: both connotative and denotative


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Answer: technology makes news more engaging and understandable thanks to its reachability, its media source, and the social media algorithms


Technology is represented in the Technology information sciences in the form of software and hardware, both combined bring the news industry into a new level in history. In the first place by reaching more people in different media forms (electronic newspaper, cellphone messages, video capsules in your cellphone app, dedicated multiple news social media pages, etc), In second place by providing content to inform as much as media can, about the real situation. In the form of a video, photography, graphic, study report, etc. And Finally in third place by surfing between social media algorithms to deliver the observer the topics he is interested in, for example: if you look in google about Justin Bieber, the news feed will suggest the newest notes about him.

An example of this is the next news published in cnn international the 3rd of october of 2019 called:  Shipwrecked Colombian 'smugglers' found floating on packages of cocaine

In this article, we can observe a regular drug smuggler case in Colombia, the country in which these kinds of events are so often that they don’t generate any attention. However, for a different country in which drug smuggling is not such a common thing, this generates controversy. Something that without the technology we have today wouldn’t have reached our eyes, we can even see the drugs packages and the smugglers in the middle of the water, in our pc and cellphone, in the middle of a mountain in which only 4g or 5g internet is the only source of internet communication.

technology let's people listen and view rather than in the news paper that you just view

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Although all of these options are somewhat important when learning how to write a research paper, the best option from this list is "D. Knowing how to plan before you write"
Knowing how to plan before you write is the most appropriate way

which sentence is grammatically incorrect? 1) all people should at least try to file their taxes on time. 2) The whole family is getting together tomorrow. 3) No one can ever really know their own fate.


1.) All should be a capital letter in that sentence.

AIDS occurs when HIV destroys the immune system.
a. True
b. False


You get HIV first and when not treated it will turn into AIDS which can't ne treated. I am not a doctor but it doesn't completely destroy the immune system it weakens the immune system. I hope this helps you.


AIDS occurs when HIV destroys the immune system.

True. AIDS, which stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, occurs when HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) destroys the immune system. HIV attacks and weakens the immune system gradually, making the infected individual more susceptible to other infections and diseases. Over time, if left untreated, HIV can progress to AIDS.

Learn more about AIDS here:



What is the distance traversed by the particle between 0 seconds and 6 seconds


The answer is the area under the velocity-time graph from t = 0 s to t = 6 s.i.e. 0.5*6*2 = 6 m


6  0.5 6 2 = 6 m


What is the theme or underlying message of mallam sile?


The theme or message of "Mallam Sile" is that it is necessary to show strength in the face of problems, allowing them to be tackled in a superior way.

We can arrive at this answer because:

  • "Mallam Sile" tells the story of a man who owned a tea shop and was very kind to his neighborhood.
  • His neighbors took advantage of this kindness and caused the tea seller much abuse.
  • He didn't like the way he was being treated, but he didn't dare to face the neighborhood bullies and so he put up with all the problems silently.
  • However, one day he got married and his wife did not admit the abuses of the neighborhood.

She fought all bullies and showed that problems must be fought with superiority and strength.

More information:


The theme or underlying message in the short story Mallam Sile is that of the definition of sin and the consequences thereof. Mallam Sile is a tea seller and owns a tea shop. He is a gentle, patient man who is unable to deal with the bullies who visit his tea shop. He closes his shop at some point to renovate it. When his shop reopens, he appears with his wife who is not scared of the bullies and chases them to repay what they have stolen from Mallam Sile.