What is one reason why Thomas Paine says that the time for independence is now?a. Because the British have vulnerable islands
b. Because the British are distracted by other wars
c. Because the colonies are young and United
d. Because the British have the old and cowardly generals


Answer 1
Answer: In the book Common Sense, Thomas Paine says that the time for independence is now because the American colonies are young and united (c). At the beginning of the book, Thomas Paine argues for American independence from British rule. The book also begins with the theoretical discourse about governments and religion; the role both government and religion should play in the independent America. Interestingly enough, Paine argues that government has its roots in the evil of man. He sees governing structures as a necessary evil. These are interesting points to ponder.
Answer 2


the answer is c


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Hi there!

We know that  we're typically looking for which of these steps must the writer first accomplish in order to build believable story elements within historical fiction. Please do note the fact that historical fiction is what your truly looking for. Since that's what we must find, your answer would most likely be:

D. Create plots that have the same outcome as those in history.

Hope this helps and have a fantastic day!


its not D


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50 POINTS PLEASE HELP ASAP!! I WILL MARK BRAINLIEST/ ITS DUE TODAY!write a 300-600 word short story about a 2 vs 2 basketball tournament using dialogue and correct grammar.




How exciting! Today is my basketball Grand-final! My team of six enthusiastic boys led by our coach, Jack, has worked extremely hard just to make the finals. My heart was pounding a hundred kilometres an hour as I walked into our home ground, Slater Reserve. As I hurried to our team bench, our opponents caught my attention. They seemed a lot taller and “meaner” looking.

Whistle blew. Five of us started on the court. Our opponent got hold of the ball first. They were unbelievably fast. They kept penetrating our defences and kept scoring goals. Excited parents were cheering so much that their faces were as red as beetroots. None of us could stop our opponent’s best player, Zac, from scoring. He was shooting from all directions and was getting them in! By half time, both teams were extremely exhausted and our opponents were ten goals ahead which presented us with an enormous, but achievable challenge.

Jack was awfully frustrated as we were not playing anywhere near our best. He told us to play as a team and that we could still win if we make our transitions much quicker so that penalty shots come our way. He also directed us to rebound and position ourselves better to receive and score goals.

Our team was all fired up. The second half started in our favour. We were as quick as lightning on the court. We were dribbling, passing, shooting and rebounding without any mistakes. We caught our oppositions by surprise. The scores were almost level. We were trailing only by one point. The crowd was growing wild with excitement, fuelling our confidence. At the same time, our opponents switched back to attention and started playing like what they did in the first half making it harder for us to score.

After much effort we managed to score a crucial goal with fifteen seconds left! Our opponent threw in the ball but I managed to steal it! Our team was bursting with happiness! More opponents were heading my way and I had to pass the ball to Bryce, our team-mate. Instead of hanging on to the ball, Bryce did the most unexpected thing. He tried to score from half court! He missed by miles!

One second left and our opponent had possession of the ball. Our hearts ached for the final whistle but when it finally came our opponent had already sent their ball in the air and was heading towards the ring. We felt like the end of world had come when the ball went through the ring! That marked the end of our Grand final dream.

My whole team was broken hearted. Everyone was holding back their tears. We almost succeeded until Sean, our best shooter, broke down. Jack commended us for not giving up and fought to the end, which was the most important thing. We departed with eager anticipation for the next season.



My name is Justin and I love basketball, most of the time. Sometimes, I play great and sometimes, I don't. I'm a wing, that's right a chicken wing. I chicken out when it comes to shooting the ball. I'm great at assisting, but I never want to shoot. I have tried before and made it, but I simply thought that was good luck. I'd rather be our tiger mascot sometimes, but I think I'm better at basketball.

I learned that we were going to be in a tournament. I was so excited, but also scared. When I heard the news I practiced everyday on my shooting, defense, and offense skills. Coach Michael could see my hard work, and said I wasn't so nervous when it came to shooting. My teammates also noticed it.

The big day was here we would be play the Bulldogs, Indians, and the best team the Vipers. My team wasn't the best, but we surely weren't the worst. Our first game was with the Bulldogs. We won 56 to 28, but I was disappointed. All I did was assist, as always. Coach M was yelling for me to shoot, but I would just pass the ball to Ryan.

Then we played the Indians, and we beat them. The only problem was that I was the first up and down the court, but wouldn't shoot. I was drenched in sweat. The next game was with the Vipers. Coach M pulled me aside. He said, "Justin I see you are working hard, but you can't be afraid to shoot the ball." I said, "I know Coach Michael, but what if I miss?" "Trust me son, you won't miss I saw how you were shooting in practice. You have good form."

I was determined to shoot. The Vipers were a hard team to beat, so we would need the extra points. I ran down the court as fast as I could and yelled, "Mica! Ball ball ball!" Mica threw an over head pass. I caught it saw everyone running down, and made a lay up. We were losing the score was 45 to 50. I was panting and tired, but I was determined to win. I did the same thing again, and I was fouled. I made my two free throws. The score now 47 to 50, 2nd half, 4th quarter, and 2:47 left in the game.

Coach M yelled, "Get the ball down the court!" I ran down the court I was passed the ball, but did not shoot. I knew we needed a 3 pointer to get us tied, so I waited for Josh. I yelled, "Josh! Josh!" He caught the ball, and shot the 3 pointer. The score was now tied with 00:46 left in the game. Coach M said, "Justin I want you to run down the court and make a lay up. Mica and Josh be there to rebound. Ryan and Evan make sure to screen for them. Got it!" Everyone yelled, "Yes Coach!"

The pressure was on the ref blew the whistle. My heart was pounding, sweat was rolling down my forehead, and my legs were moving.  Evan blocked a shot. Mica caught the ball, and saw me down the court. He passed it with 00:10 second left in the game. I shot and I made it! Mica yelled, "Yeah! I knew we could count on you!" Coach M ran up to me and said, "Thanks for working hard, and helping your team with the win." The whole gym was electric, and I was finally proud of myself!

Angry is to mad as mistake is to


Angry is to mad as mistake is to error.
Hope this helps you!
Angry is to mad as mistake is to inaccuracy,fault

The theme most connected to Buck's visions in the fire iso civilization vs. the primitive
the effect of the environment
O rules and laws
the qualities of men


The answer is the qualities of men

100% SURE


the answer is The qualities of men
