In what way does bradford change the structure of his narrative at the beginning of chapter xi


Answer 1
Answer: To start with, remember that what you are alluding to is the progress between the main book and the second book in what is typically alluded to as Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation. Where the principal book is about the Reformation in Europe and what got the pilgrims on their way.
Answer 2

Hello. This question is related to "Plymouth Plantation"


In chapter XI, Bradford begins to report only summaries of important events.


Before chapter XI, Bradford established a narrative where he organized all events in chronological order, however from chapter XI he changes the narration that no longer follows a chronological order, but establishes some specific summaries of events that are relevant to somehow, this way he can focus his reading on what is really important for the reader to know.

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When you decide who will tell your story, you are selecting its A. protagonist
B. tone
c. inciting incident
d. point of view​



Point of view



point of view


According to the passage, human herds are all of the following except(A) reprehensible
(B) obdurate
(C) autocratic
(D) self-perpetuating
(E) transitory

Passage 4. Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
(Translated by Helen Zimmern)
Inasmuch as in all ages, as long as mankind has existed, there have also been
human herds (family alliances, communities, tribes, peoples, states, churches), and
always a great number who obey in proportion to the small number who command—
in view, therefore, of the fact that obedience has been most practiced and
fostered among mankind hitherto, one may reasonably suppose that, generally
speaking, the need thereof is now innate in every one, as a kind of FORMAL
CONSCIENCE which gives the command “Th ou shalt unconditionally do something,
unconditionally refrain from something,” in short, “Th ou shalt.” Th is need
tries to satisfy itself and to fi ll its form with a content, according to its strength,
impatience, and eagerness, it at once seizes as an omnivorous appetite with little
selection, and accepts whatever is shouted into its ear by all sorts of commanders—
parents, teachers, laws, class prejudices, or public opinion. Th e extraordinary
limitation of human development, the hesitation, protractedness, frequent retrogression,
and turning thereof, is attributable to the fact that the herd-instinct of
obedience is transmitted best, and at the cost of the art of command. If one imagine
this instinct increasing to its greatest extent, commanders and independent
individuals will fi nally be lacking altogether, or they will suff er inwardly from a bad
conscience, and will have to impose a deception on themselves in the fi rst place in
order to be able to command just as if they also were only obeying. Th is condition
of things actually exists in Europe at present—I call it the moral hypocrisy of the
commanding class. Th ey know no other way of protecting themselves from their
bad conscience than by playing the role of executors of older and higher orders
(of predecessors, of the constitution, of justice, of the law, or of God himself), or
they even justify themselves by maxims from the current opinions of the herd, as
“fi rst servants of their people,” or “instruments of the public weal.” On the other
hand, the gregarious European man nowadays assumes an air as if he were the only
kind of man that is allowable, he glorifi es his qualities, such as public spirit, kindness,
deference, industry, temperance, modesty, indulgence, sympathy, by virtue of
which he is gentle, endurable, and useful to the herd, as the peculiarly human virtues.
In cases, however, where it is believed that the leader and bell-wether cannot
be dispensed with, attempt after attempt is made nowadays to replace commanders
by the summing together of clever gregarious men. All representative constitutions,
for example, are of this origin. In spite of all, what a blessing, what a deliverance
from a weight becoming unendurable, is the appearance of an absolute ruler for
these gregarious Europeans—of this fact the eff ect of the appearance of Napoleon
was the last great proof. Th e history of the infl uence of Napoleon is almost the history
of the higher happiness to which the entire century has attained in its worthiest
individuals and periods.


The answer would be B. I just did this question

The factors that are kept the same throughout an experiment are called the _______.


They are called an constants 

Is It a Crime for a Citizen of the United States to Vote? But is urged, the use of the masculine pronouns he, his and him, in all the constitutions and laws, is proof that only men were meant to be included in their provisions. If you insist on this version of the letter of the law, we shall insist that you be consistent, and accept the other horn of the dilemma, which would compel you to exempt women from taxation for the support of the government, and from penalties for the violation of laws.

. . .The same is true of all the criminal laws: "No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself."

The same with the law of May 31st, 1870, the 19th section of which I am charged with having violated; not only are all the pronouns in it masculine, but everybody knows that that particular section was intended expressly to hinder the rebels from voting. It reads "If any person shall knowingly vote without his having a lawful right," c. Precisely so with all the papers served on me-the U.S. Marshal's warrant, the bail-bond, the petition for Haber corpus, the bill of indictment-not one of them had a feminine pronoun printed in it; but, to make them applicable to me, the Clerk of the Court made a little carat at the left of "he" and placed an "s" over it, thus making she out of he. Then the letters "is" were scratched out, the little carat under and "er" over, to make her out of his, and I insist if government officials may thus manipulate the pronouns to tax, fine, imprison and hang women, women may take the same liberty with them to secure to themselves their right to a voice in the government. Question 2 of 5 Instructions:Select the correct answer.

What argument is Susan B. Anthony making in the passage?

Male citizens created the laws to secure the rights of men, so legal reform is required to secure women’s rights.

Women are often punished for committing criminal acts that are pardoned when committed by men.

Women are judged under laws supposedly written only for males, so they are entitled to the same rights as males.

The court judge modified the original documents to arrest and try Anthony unfairly.


Women are judged under laws supposedly written only for males, so they are entitled to the same rights as males

 I hope its the answer 

I believe it's this one: Women are judged under laws supposedly written only for males, so they are entitled to the same rights as males. 

Sometimes called the simple predicate


The predicate tells something about the subject, like what it did or how it looks. An example of a simple sentence where there is a noun for the subject and a verb for the predicate is “Mary jogs.” Sometimes the subject is implied in a sentence, like “Watch out!”

An early American diarist or historian was Captain John Smith


It is true that an early American diarist or historian was Captain John Smith. When he traveled to America, and discovered Native Americans there (among which there was also Pocahontas), he wrote about his experiences in a new land, surrounded by strange people who couldn't speak his language. So he was a type of a historian, because thanks to him, we know what happened during that time of history.


