What happens to the particles of matter when a compressional wave moves through the matter


Answer 1
Answer: It causes the matter to move back and forth the same direction the wave is
Answer 2
Answer: Longitudinal WaveA wave is a disturbance of a medium which transports energy through the medium without permanently transporting matter. In a wave, particles of the medium are temporarily displaced and then return to their original position. There are a variety of ways to categorize waves. One way to categorize waves is to say that there are longitudinal and transverse waves. In a transverse wave, particles of the medium are displaced in a direction perpendicular to the direction of energy transport. In a longitudinal wave, particles of the medium are displaced in a direction parallel to energy transport. The animation below depicts a longitudinal pulse in a medium.The animation portrays a medium as a series of particles connected by springs. As one individual particle is disturbed, it transmits the disturbance to the next interconnected particle. This disturbance continues to be passed on to the next particle. The result is that energy is transported from one end of the medium to the other end of the medium without the actual transport of matter. In this type of wave - a longitudinal wave - the particles of the medium vibrate in a direction parallel to the direction of energy transport.

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This is why water is important to living things

Hope this helps! :)

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Why aren't all minerals gemstones?


Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic, crystalline substances. Gemstones are usually made by humans, which means their synthetic and not naturally made. The gemstones that do come from nature are organic like amber, not inorganic.

Not all minerals are considered gemstones because the designation of a gemstone depends on a combination of factors, including its beauty, rarity, durability, and demand in the market. Here are some reasons why not all minerals are classified as gemstones:

Beauty: Gemstones are valued for their aesthetic qualities, including color, clarity, brilliance, and luster. Not all minerals possess these desirable visual characteristics. Some minerals may be dull, opaque, or have unappealing colors that do not meet the standards of what is considered attractive for a gemstone.

Rarity: Gemstones are often associated with rarity, which increases their desirability and value. While many minerals exist abundantly in nature, only a few occur in gem-quality quantities. The scarcity of certain minerals contributes to their classification as gemstones, as they are prized for their relative scarcity compared to more common minerals.

Durability: Gemstones are expected to be durable and withstand the rigors of everyday wear and handling. Not all minerals possess the necessary hardness, toughness, or resistance to scratching and chipping required to be considered suitable for use in jewelry or other decorative purposes. For example, talc, the softest mineral, is not suitable as a gemstone due to its low hardness.

Market Demand: The perception of value and demand for a mineral as a gemstone is influenced by cultural, historical, and fashion trends. The desirability of certain gemstones can change over time, driven by factors such as fashion trends, marketing, and cultural preferences. While a mineral may have the necessary qualities to be classified as a gemstone, if it lacks demand in the market, it may not be widely recognized or used as a gemstone.

It's important to note that gemstones are a subset of minerals, and the distinction between gemstones and other minerals is often subjective and based on human preferences. Some minerals may be considered gemstones in certain contexts or cultures while not being widely recognized as such globally. If you are planning to buy gemstones online then you can visit the CabochonsForSale they have wide collection of gemstone.