How do you say Paris is a beautiful place, the attractions are really beautiful
In French


Answer 1
Answer: Paris est un très bel endroit, les attractions sont réellement belles.
Answer 2


↑↑↑↑↑↑ up there :D ↑↑↑↑↑↑

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Christopher Colombus discovered "La Martinique" (French Martinique) on June 15, 1502.

However, it seems that some historians admit that Alonso de Ojeda discovered first the island during an expedition in 1499-1500



The French Martinique was discovered by which famous person?

Christopher Colombus ( in 1502)

Pluriel of voici la chambre et la cuisine


Voice doesn't change - there is no plural.
Chambre - chambres
Cuisine - cuisines 
La chambre (féminin/singulier)
Les chambres (féminin/pluriel)
Des chambres (féminin/pluriel)

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What do the following words French words mean in English:



Vaisselle=Dishes And inquiète=worry
What do the following words French words mean in English:
Vaisselle =dishes
Inquiète= worry

Exemple :
Je fais la vaisselle tous les jours.
Je suis inquiète car mon amie est malade.

Explain the rules for plural things in French.


Singular Plural
le livre
the book les livres
the books
la chaise
the chair les chaises
the chairs
le gros livre
the big book les gros livres
the big books
le livre rouge
the red book les livres rouges
the red books
la grande maison
the large house les grandes maisons
the large houses
On utilise le pluriel quand le nom désigne plusieurs êtres ou plusieurs objets.
On ajoute 's' au nom singulier :
un livre : des livreS
un chat : des chatS
une voiture : des voitureS

the plural is used when the name refers to several persons or more objects.
Added 's' in the singular name:
a book of books
cat: Cats

Instead say, It is a +adjective + object= C'est un _________ impermeable, for example.


This structure doesn't work for everything on the attachment. For example,
Question #5 would not be:

"C'est un garçon bel", as that is not simply how one writes it. Instead, the adjective precedes the object, making:
"C'est un bel garçon."

Another example, #7, "C'est un vieux journal."

I don't think it's "C'est un journal vieux...", from what I've learnt.

I don't exactly think there is a definite rule on what types of adjectives go before or after (I think most go after), but personally, I have learnt a some sort of rule from my teacher (by this, I mean that the rule has exceptions) whereby the adjectives that come before the object are encapsulated by this acronym, BANGS, meaning:
Beauty – e.g. beau, belle, moche, etc.
Age – j'ai dix ans (not a c'est + adj + obj structure though)
Number – ils ont deux chiens.
Goodness – bon, bonne, mauvais, mauvaise, etc.
Size – grand, grande, petit, petite, etc.

Hope this helps :D
C'est un bel imperméable.
C'est une vieille télé.
C'est une vieille voiture.
Ce sont de belles feuilles.
C'est un bel homme.
C'est une robe neuve.
C'est un vieux papier.
C'est une belle chemise.

Write six original French questions, three combining any of the following prepositions with the interrogative adjective quel (or one of its forms) and three combining a preposition with the interrogative pronoun lequel (or one of its forms). All questions must begin with the preposition.sur/sous devant/derrière vers entre
avec/sans au-dessus de/au-dessous de pour à côté de
avant/après à cause de par chez







Write two original French questions, the first combining quel or lequel (or one of their forms) with the preposition à and the second with de. Each question must begin with the combined structure.




on / in front of / behind to between with / without above / below for next to before / after because of
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