C6H12O6 is a type of?


Answer 1
Answer: C6H12O6 is glucose, which is sugar, which is a carbohydrate.
Answer 2
Answer: this satnds for glucose

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After meiosis there area. two haploid cells.
b. two haploid gametes.
c. four haploid cells.
d. four haploid gametes.


After meiosis 2 there are 4 haploid gametes

Meiosis is responsible for making sex cells only

Final answer:

After meiosis, there are four haploid cells which can develop into gametes. This process is crucial for sexual reproduction in eukaryotic organisms.


After meiosis, the correct answer is that there are four haploid cells. During this process, one diploid cell (which has two sets of chromosomes) undergoes two rounds of cell division to create four haploid cells (each with one set of chromosomes). These cells can then develop into gametes, or sex cells, which can join together during fertilization to form a new diploid organism. This is a fundamental aspect of sexual reproduction in eukaryotic organisms.

Learn more about meiosis here:



Am nevoie de ajutor cu acest rebus 1












1 = organit celular cu rol în procesul de respiraţie
2 = organite cu rol în secreţia celulară
3 = nume dat membranei vacuolelor
4= se găsesc la jumătatea fusului de diviziune în timpul metafazei
5 = au rol în procesul de fotosinteză
6 = împreună formează vacuomul celular
7 = coordonează întreaga activitate a celulei
8 = proces prin care se înmulţesc celulele
9 = organit cu rol în diviziunea celulară
10 = organite celulare descoperite de George Emil Palade


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A cell has 2n=8 chromosomes...how many chromosomes will this cell have in anaphase1,anaphase2,metaphase2?(meiosis)


The answer is 8 (anaphase 1), 8 (anaphase 2), 4 (metaphase 2).

Meiosis is a cell division which results in a reduction of the number of chromosomes in half and it consists of meiosis I and meiosis II.
Before meiosis I begins, the cell is diploid (2n) and there are 8 chromosomes. In anaphase I, the sister chromatids separate from each other to the opposite sides of the cells, and after that, there are 8 chromosomes and 16 chromatids. After telophase I, there are, however, 4 chromosomes that enter meiosis II.

Meiosis II is similar to mitosis. So, in metaphase II there is the same number of chromosomes - 4 chromosomes. But, the chromosome number must double so in anaphase II there will be in total 8 chromosomes - 4 chromosomes at the one side of the cell and the 4 on the other side. After telophase II, there are 4 chromosomes.

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By collecting run off during the rainy season for future irrigation increases the agriculture production.

Hope this helps!
Sorry for answering so late.


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