Which of the following is a limitation on congressional power?A.
granting patents and copyrights
setting and collecting federal taxes
regulating interstate trade
taxing interstate trade


Answer 1

D.Taxing Interstate Trade

What is the power of Congress?

Congressional authority, sometimes known as an express constitutional authority, is described in Section 8 of Article 1. In order to implement its express laws, Congress also has the implied authority to enforce any other laws. The U.S.Constitution, which the Supreme Court awarded to congress, gives Congress this authority. With clearly stated Congressional powers, Congress serves as the federal government's legislative body.

The constitution gives Congress broad authority, but it also sets forth several restrictions, one of which is the prohibition on taxing interstate commerce. The United States' foreign policy involves interacting with other countries and setting norms of conduct for its institutions, authorities, and governance for Americans living abroad. For the benefit of the United States and the international community, the major goal of these policies is to create a sustainable, democratic, safe, and affluent world. Additionally, it asserts that trade ties with other countries will defend American citizens who reside abroad, as well as their enterprises abroad, access to international markets, and agreements on commodities.

Learn more about the Congressional powers with the help of the given link:



Answer 2

Answer: hi I hope your doing good the answer is D: taxing interstate trade

Explanation: hope i help :)

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At the Convention, several plans were introduced. James Madison’s plan, known as the Virginia Plan, was the most important plan. The Virginia Plan was a proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch. Prior to the start of the Convention, the Virginian delegates met and, drawing largely from Madison’s suggestions, drafted a plan. In its proposal, both houses of the legislature would be determined proportionately. The lower house would be elected by the people, and the upper house would be elected by the lower house. The executive branch would exist solely to ensure that the will of the legislature was carried out and, therefore, would be selected by the legislature.

At the Convention, several plans were introduced. James Madison’s plan, known as the Virginia Plan, was the most important plan. The Virginia Plan was a proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch. Prior to the start of the Convention, the Virginian delegates met and, drawing largely from Madison’s suggestions, drafted a plan. In its proposal, both houses of the legislature would be determined proportionately. The lower house would be elected by the people, and the upper house would be elected by the lower house. The executive branch would exist solely to ensure that the will of the legislature was carried out and, therefore, would be selected by the legislature.image

At the Convention, several plans were introduced. James Madison’s plan, known as the Virginia Plan, was the most important plan. The Virginia Plan was a proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch. Prior to the start of the Convention, the Virginian delegates met and, drawing largely from Madison’s suggestions, drafted a plan. In its proposal, both houses of the legislature would be determined proportionately. The lower house would be elected by the people, and the upper house would be elected by the lower house. The executive branch would exist solely to ensure that the will of the legislature was carried out and, therefore, would be selected by the legislature.imageVirginia Plan: Visual representation of the structure of James Madison’s Virginia Plan.

At the Convention, several plans were introduced. James Madison’s plan, known as the Virginia Plan, was the most important plan. The Virginia Plan was a proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch. Prior to the start of the Convention, the Virginian delegates met and, drawing largely from Madison’s suggestions, drafted a plan. In its proposal, both houses of the legislature would be determined proportionately. The lower house would be elected by the people, and the upper house would be elected by the lower house. The executive branch would exist solely to ensure that the will of the legislature was carried out and, therefore, would be selected by the legislature.imageVirginia Plan: Visual representation of the structure of James Madison’s Virginia Plan.After the Virginia Plan was introduced, New Jersey delegate William Paterson asked for an adjournment to contemplate the plan. Under the Articles of Confederation, each state had equal representation in Congress, exercising one vote each. Paterson’s New Jersey Plan was ultimately a rebuttal to the Virginia Plan. Under the New Jersey Plan, the unicameral legislature with one vote per state was inherited from the Articles of Confederation. This position reflected the belief that the states were independent entities and as they entered the United States of America freely and individually, so they remained.

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They knew that the Treaty of Versaille (the reconstruction plan for WWI) had lead to another World War since it had angered another country (Germany) and did not wish to anger any other countries and lead to a third World War.
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They especially weakened the Dutch




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Answer: development of new consumer goods industries

Explanation: The Economic boom in the 1920s was a period often referred to as the Roaring Twenties. This period saw the beginning of the economic boom which was marked by rapid industrial growth and advances in technology. The Economic Boom saw increases in productivity, sales and wages accompanied by a rising demand for consumer products leading to massive profits for businesses and corporations.

The then Secretary of the Treasury, Andrew Mellon, introduced policies which reduced taxes on the wealthy and the businesses in America that encouraged growth such as the Assembly line, the mass production of consumer goods such as the Ford Model T Automobile and luxury labor saving devices. All these coupled with access to easy credit on installment plans rapidly drove the economy forward.

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pilgrims had their own charter was the biggest impact