A hypothesis does all of the following EXCEPT A) attempt to answer the question

B) be evaluated through experimentation

C) a be refined after evolution

D) acts as a universal principle


Answer 1

 D) acts as a universal principle

It's D because a hypothesis is just an educated guess(sort of) of what you think happens.  A universal principle is the exact opposite of that.

Answer 2
Answer: D)
Because a hypothesis is an "Educated Guess" so it obviously cannot be a principal that is used in Science. For Example, I could say my hypothesis on Men and Women is that Women are smarter. This is not necessarily true because I don't have any facts yet. In order to discover the answer, I must A) Attempt to answer and see if this is true, B) Evaluate this by doing experiments, and C) I must change my hypothesis so it is correct. I cannot say this is a "Universal Principle" by stating it.
Hope I helped :-)

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Round seeds and yellow seed color are dominant to wrinkled seeds and green seed color. What is the probability of having offspring that have wrinkled seeds and yellow seed color for the cross RRYY ´ RrYy?


The answer is 0 percent.

Let's represent alleles and genotypes:
R - dominant allele for round seeds,
r - recessive allele for wrinkled seeds,
Y - dominant allele for yellow seeds,
y - recessive allele for green seeds.

RR - dominant homozygote with round seeds,
rr - recessive homozygote with wrinkled seeds,
Rr- heterozygote with round seeds,
YY - dominant homozygote with yellow seeds,
yy - recessive homozygote with green seeds,
Yy * heterozygote with yellow seeds.

So, in order to have wrinkled seeds, the offspring's genotype must contain rr, and to have green seeds, the offspring's genotype must contain either YY or Yy.
According to the image, all of the offspring will have round, yellow seeds (RRYY, RRYy, RrYY, RrYy).

If RRYY and RrYy is crossed the probability of the offspring having wrinkled and yellow seed is none (zero).

Further Explanation:

Dominant character is the trait that masks the effect of the other character and is phenotypically shown. Whereas, the characters which is been masked is referred to be as recessive character.

In the given case,

• R- Denotes the dominant round seed character.

• r- Represents wrinkled recessive character.

• Y- Shows the dominant character of yellow colored seeds.

• y- Is used to represent the green color recessive trait.

Mentioned below are the possible homo and hetrozygotes of the trait;

 YY – Dominant homozygote which represents the yellow seeds.

 yy – Recessive homozygote representing green color seed.

 Yy – Dominant hetrozygote that represents yellow seeds.  

 RR – Dominant homozygote representing round seeds.

 Rr – Dominant hetrozygote representing round seeds.

 rr – Recessive homozygote representing wrinkled seeds.

In the given instance for the offspring to have wrinkled and yellow seed it should have the genotype of rrYy or rrYY.  

If the cross of RRYY and RrYy is done as shown in the punnett square; the required condition is not possible.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about meiosis brainly.com/question/1600165

2. Learn more about the process of molecular diffusion in a cell brainly.com/question/1600165

3. Learn more about human sperm and egg cell brainly.com/question/1626319

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Genetics- Mendalian Inheritance


RRYY, RrYy, round seeds, wrinkled seeds, yellow seeds, green seeds, Mendel, heterozygotes, homozygotes, dominant, recessive.

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Booker T Washington was the African American activist that seemed to condone segregation but strongly believed in schooling for blacks and founded Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. He was born on 5th of April in the year 1856 and died on 14th of November in the year 1915. I hope it helps you.

The correct answer is Booker T. Washington. I literally just read all about this today!

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MNI is the Minimum Number of Individuals required to test and validate an experiment or a case. It is used to determine the minimum number of people or individual involved in a case or an experiment.

In forensic anthropology, MNI is used to determine the least number of people required to account for the bones present. The MNI chosen is not necessarily will be right while solving a case. The investigators might night to consider different set of individuals.

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(B) cell membrane
(C) membrane-bound organelles
(D) ER
(E) mitochondrial DNA


(A) Protein coat, is found in all viruses

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second blank: (consumers, omnivores,secondary consumers)


Ecological balance always require that there must be more producers than the number of consumer. When the equation for ecological balance will be reverse there will be ecological imbalance which is called the disturbances. This will later on cause the scarcity of resource and extinction of one species.


Producers / Consumers


From ody ssey assignment 6 page 8 (if printed) under Balance of Nature.

sentence number 1 "In a balanced ecosystem, the number of producers is far greater than the number of consumers.