Which verb is in the future progressive form? a. has been fishing
b. is mowing
c. will be trading
d. will have been diving


Answer 1
Answer: future progressive form is will be
so c.
Answer 2
Answer: Your answer is C. Will be trading. 

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2. Also explain how the use of the online dictionary and/or thesaurus assists you in making these choices.


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Um basically find your five words and basically consult means to just help with so you can say I consulted the thesaurus to find synonyms that had better word choice and then I looked up those words in the dictionary to make sure they had a decent definition. That fit the situation. Also you could say you used the dictionary to look up the words you chose so you knew their definitions.

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1. The opening or introduction

2. The rising actions

3. The climax

4. The falling actions

5. The conclusion

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B or A because they said famililes share are the respect and appreciation to u

Answer :

C: cooperation

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