Read this passage from "Young Pablo Casals": As Casals daydreamed while standing on the busy sidewalk, he imagined himself playing chess in a café with the Impressionist painter Edgar Degas. Or sitting in a darkened theater, feeling the sudden hush as the celebrated actress, Sarah Bernhardt, took the stage."
Based on this passage, what can be inferred about Casals?
a. He had money to spend on artwork and theater tickets.
b. He had big dreams for his future.
c. He desired wealth more than fame.
d. He already knew Degas and Bernhardt.


Answer 1

Answer: b. He had big dreams for his future.

Explanation: In the given passage from "Young Pablo Casals " we can see the description of how, since he was young, Casals daydreamed of him knowing and socializing with big personalities of the period, like the famous painter Edgar Degas, or the actress Sarah Bernhardt and he imagined situations like playing chess or going to the theater. From this description we can infer that Casals had big dreams for his future.

Answer 2
Answer: B.) he had big dreams for his future

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c gloomy because all those other words are happy words

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There let Hymen oft appear
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- Answer is B

This is because reading this you can conclude that its a ceremony.

To win her Grace, whom all commend. 

There let Hymen oft appear

In Saffron robe, with Taper clear,

And pomp, and feast, and revelry,

With mask and antique Pageantry;

Read more on -

- - Answer is B
This is because reading this you can conclude that its a ceremony.
To win her Grace, whom all commend. 
There let Hymen oft appear
In Saffron robe, with Taper clear,
And pomp, and feast, and revelry,
With mask and antique Pageantry;

1. What is the complete subject of the sentence? -------------------------------------------------------------------------
The laughing child ran quickly through the crowded playground.
A.the crowded playground
B .laughing child
C.The laughing child
D.ran quickly


The subject is the child. The complete subject is the child and the details about it. So the answer is C, the laughing child :)


C.the laughing child


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