This question is based on the following paragraph.(1) Earth's crust is made up of relatively rigid plates that ride atop Earth's hot, semiliquid mantle. (2) The plates are called tectonic because they're in constant motion. (3) They can move because Earth's mantle is a very hot and semiliquid fluid called magma. (4) Volcanoes are a result of magma rising up or erupting through a plate, particularly where plate boundaries are moving against each other. (5) Also, when plates slide against each other, causing friction along adjacent plate boundaries, earthquakes frequently occur. (6) Therefore, we often find volcanoes and earthquakes along plate boundaries. (7) Plates may also collide. (8) When that happens, mountain ranges are formed. (9) For example, the collision of the plate carrying the Indian subcontinent created the Himalayan Mountains when it collided with the Asian plate.

10. Which sentence in this passage introduces a new topic that might begin a new paragraph?
A. Sentence 4
B. Sentence 6
C. Sentence 7
D. Sentence 5


Answer 1
Answer: A because its talks about volcanoes and not the crust

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B. The introduction
C. Choosing an interesting subject
D. The ending


It would be A. 

The reader cares about HOW you present your ideas.
i think its b.
readers dont really care what order it is, so a is out.
choosing an interesting subject is important, but not the most important.
the ending is the same as c. its not the most important.

just think, how would you be more interested in an essay? write that way!
hope this helps :D

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c) confused.
 Hope this helps!
the answer is... C.) confused

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Narrative writing uses a story to make a point  which reveals a series of events usually in chronological order. It is not just telling a story for its sake. Narration in any kind is used to support the point you want to make.


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the narraror's point of view affects the amount of information the reader gets.

Describe how the Mary Rowland's experience during her captivity is a metaphor for a devout Puritan society. (250-300 words)


During the time spent disclosing to her story, Rowlandson uncovers much about Puritan culture and states of mind towards ladies and Native Americans; comparably, she gives data about Native American culture, however regularly without acknowledging or even obviously understanding it. Rowlandson's personal record of her internment set up the model for ensuing imprisonment accounts, and her accentuation on her part as mother laid the foundation for later ladies' written work, including some African American slave stories.


Mary Rowlandson’s captivity narrative describes her experience as a captive of the Native Americans during the King Philips War in 1676. Her diary accounts from her capture to her return, although it was written a few years post her release. Her capture spanned around 11 weeks and is recounted in twenty ‘removes.’ Specifically, Rowlandson observes her experience concerning God and the bible, her capture being expressed as a trial from God which she must endure with faith; only in doing so would she survive and remain a true Christian woman suitable for Puritan society. Through this Christian perspective, she judges the Native Americans, creating an obvious bias against their culture. Given this, her narrative can be understood regarding how she would wish to represent herself and her captivity to those readers. Still, it was not fully understood as a completely accurate account.  

Rowlandson was a respected woman within Puritan society and, as such, would be expected to represent all that was customary of fine Christian women. Therefore, any account of her capture, which seemed contrary to conventional beliefs, could risk her status and respectability. Toulouse argues that Rowlandson would be competing for status in the new social setting due to the war(1992:667). The motivation for publishing her account seems to promote the puritan belief that God is the active agent who punishes and saves Christian believers (Scarbrough 2011:124). Hence, her freedom to voice her own opinion was greatly restricted by both social expectations and for the sake of endorsing the good of Christianity.

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The king and duke were merely con-men pretending to be royalty. They met in Huck's raft because they were running away from the authorities who discovered their con.

They were initially strangers but upon knowing that each was a conman. Both hatched a plan to con numerous people by staging a play like Romeo and Juliet.


What makes this passage humorous?

✔ the king’s self-interest

What does this humor show?

✔ The king is disloyal to the people he needs.

What could Twain’s intent be?

✔ to show the social dynamics between the men