What do you mean by ; "And shining morning face ,creeping like snail unwillingly to school"


Answer 1
Answer: Firstly, Shining morning face means the children's face after washing their face at morning. And secondly, creeping like snail means the children's who can not move and unwilling to go to school. Just like snail... 

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Snake StoryBecky moved off of the porch slowly, backing through the door and into the house. She slammed the sliding glass door shut and stood for a moment, relieved to have something solid between her and the snake on the porch.

The glass was cool under her hands despite her pounding heart. She tried to slow her breathing. She was safe, at last, inside. Or was she? How had that snake gotten into the screened-in and walled-up back porch. If it could get in there, it's possible it could get inside where she was as well.

Becky wasn't someone who was normally skittish about wild things. She'd handled snakes before, picked up lizards many times, caught frogs in the garage and let them go. But snakes seemed to always catch her off guard. They would turn up when least expected. She would see them out of the corner of her eye and just the surprise of it would make her jump; her adrenalin would pump, her heart would thump, and her panic would take over.

What was she going to do? She couldn't just stand there waiting for the snake to decide to leave. What if it were venomous? It didn't look like a viper, but it could be. She would need to get out there soon to water the plants.

"What this requires is some advanced planning," she said out loud to her cat, Louie. "And, I will probably have to go 'once more into the fray' kitty," she said, looking in the cat's direction for emphasis.

"First things first, though," she said. The cat meowed back. It often did that, having become used to being talked to. "Let's look that fellow up," Becky said walking to her bookshelf.

"Let's see, snakes," she said, thumbing through her reptile and amphibian identification book. "It's brown and gray, with some black. With a pattern that looks ... there it is," she said thumping the page so hard that Louie jumped. "Not venomous," she said, triumphantly.

"It's an oak snake, Louie," she returned the book and strode over to her closet. "Not venomous, but I am still not taking chances," she said.

She reached into the closet and pulled out her heaviest jacket. It was lined and stuffed thick with lots of padding. Then she found her mittens and a pair of rubber boots. She knew even non-venomous snakes would sometimes threaten to strike when scared. "And that threat would work on me," Becky said aloud again, though Louie had no idea what she was talking about.

"It's 90 degrees outside, Louie," she said, "so get the iced lemonade ready for when I return."

It wasn't much of a plan, but it was the best she could come up with. With her armor on, she was already sweating when she slowly pushed open the sliding glass door and stepped back on to the porch.

She was pretty sure the snake would slither away from her presence. She propped open the outside door, and hoped she could shoo the snake in that direction.

Sweat dampened her arms and collected on her face. She spread her arms out, and took a few steps toward the snake. There was so much for it to hide beneath. Becky regretted the rocking chairs and all the plant stands between where the snake was in the corner and the door to the outside.

At first it seemed like the snake was just going to remain where it was, flicking its tongue every now and then. Becky waved her arms, lunged in its direction, and stomped her feet. It sat there, coiled in the corner, as if perfectly happy to remain there. In a fit of desperation, she picked up one side of the rocking chair the snake was under and let it drop. The snake jumped, raised its head like it was going to strike, and then stayed right where it was.

"Snake," Becky said, "This is not how it works. You have got to go." The snake moved its head back and forth, swaying a bit, and that gave Becky an idea.

She had read somewhere that snakes can "hear" thanks to the ability to process vibrations through the bone in their jaw. This awareness of vibrations in the ground was one reason it was very hard to sneak up on snakes. She quickly realized that getting the snake out was going to be a lot easier than she had thought.

Becky turned on the radio she kept on the porch and lowered it to the ground, pointing in the snake's direction. She adjusted the controls so that the bass was as high as it could go. Then, she cranked up the volume. She envisioned the snake swaying to the sounds of "Dancing Queen," by Abba, and then leaving the porch and going far, far away.

Coming back into the house, she began peeling off the now damp armaments she had put on earlier. "Louie, there is more than one way to skin a snake," she said laughing. She watched as the snake uncoiled and moved cautiously in the direction of the door. Bending down to pick up Louie, Becky sighed and stroked his head. "'Cause no one ever wants to skin a cat, sweetie."

Review the narrative "Snake Story" and answer the question below:

What clues does the author give that the snake is not a real threat to Becky? Use details and quotations from the story to support your position.


One of the clues is that the book states that it is a oak snake a non venomus snake

it said oak snakes are non venomis.

The first sentence of the story called the alternate penguin


what does satisfaction mean?  

Highlight examples of imagery. And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain Thrilled me – filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating "'Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door– Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; This it is and nothing more." —"The Raven," Edgar Allan Poe Which words and phrases are images that appeal to the senses? Check all that apply. A. “the silken sad uncertain rustling”
B. “purple curtain”
C. “fantastic terrors”
D. “to still the beating of my heart”
E. “nothing more”


The words and phrases which are images that appeal to the senses are:

  • A. “the silken sad uncertain rustling”
  • B. “purple curtain”
  • D. “to still the beating of my heart”

According to the given question, we can see that we are to find examples of imagery. We should note that imagery is the use of visually descriptive words to describe an event.

As a result of this, we can see that the words and phrases which makes an appeal to the senses are those ones which describes the feelings, the curtain and how the heart of the narrator beats.

The correct answers are options A, B and D

Read more here:



A,B,D is the answer


ronald states that number 1/11 is not rational because, when converted into a decimal, it does not terminate. nathaniel says it is rational because it is fraction. which boy is correct



Nathaniel is correct when he says that the expression 1/11 is a rational number because it is a fraction.


In math, a rational number is one that can be made by dividing two integers. An integer is a number with no fractional part. Most numbers we use in everyday life are rational as they can be expressed in the form of a fraction. For instance, 5 is a rational number as it can be also expressed in the form of the fraction 5/1. The number 1/11 is already expressed as a faction which makes it a rational number. The fact that when the fraction is converted into a decimal it does not terminate does not mean that the number is not rational.

Nathaniel is correct in claiming that 1/11 is a rational number because it is a fraction. Therefore, the correct option is B.

A rational number isany number that can be written as a fraction, in which both the numerator and the denominator are integers and the denominator is not zero. In the case of 1/11, the numerator is 1 and the denominator is 11, both of which are integers. Consequently, 1/11 is a rational number. Many rational numbers have recurring or terminating decimals. It is important to remember that all fractions are rational numbers, regardless of whether their decimal form ends or repeats.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Rational number, here:



Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

Ronald states that number 1/11 is not rational because, when converted into a decimal, it does not terminate. Nathaniel says it is rational because it is fraction. Which boy is correct?

  1. Ronald is correct
  2. Nathaniel is correct
  3. Both are correct
  4. No one is correct

In which sentence are ellipses used correctly to omit information from the original passage below from A Tale of Two Cities? A clammy and intensely cold mist, it made its slow way through the air in ripples that visibly followed and overspread one another, as the waves of an unwholesome sea might do.

A) ...as the waves of an unwholesome sea might do.
B) A...cold mist...as the waves of...sea might do.
C) A clammy...it made its slow way through the air...
D) A clammy and intensely cold mist...made its slow way through the air.


"..as the waves of an unwholesome sea might do." This sentence uses ellipses correctly to omit information from the original passage while preserving the meaning of the sentence. Therefore, option A is correct.

What are the use of ellipses?

Ellipses are punctuation marks that consist of three dots (…), used to indicate the omission of one or more words, phrases, or sentences from a text. They can be used in different ways, including:

  • To indicate a pause or hesitation in speech or thought: "I don't know... maybe we should wait."
  • To indicate the omission of words from a quote: "She said, 'I'm not sure... what do you think?'"

The ellipses indicate that some text has been omitted, but the essential meaning of the sentence remains intact.

The passage describes a clammy and intensely cold mist that moves slowly through the air in ripples, like waves in a sea. The description of the mist creates a sense of unease and foreboding, suggesting that something ominous may be about to happen.

The language used is evocative and creates a vivid mental image for the reader. The passage is from Charles Dickens' novel "A Tale of Two Cities," which is set during the French Revolution and explores themes of social inequality and revolution.

Find more on "A tale of two cities" :




the answer is d
