What is the function of the relative pronoun in the adjective clause? The game was designed by Zack, who studies computer programming. A. subject B. object of a preposition C. direct object D. possessive


Answer 1
Answer: Relative pronouns are used to create balance among clauses by connecting them together. In the sentence: The game was designed by Zack, who studies computer programming. "Who" is the relative pronoun and connects the clauses "the game was designed" and "studies computer programming". You will see that even though the second clause is called a clause, no subject is present. That is because "who" stands in the position of being a subject. Therefore, "who studies computer programming" becomes a complete clause.

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i think it is. b the viee
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i was just on the assighnment




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I wouldn't repeat sudden.

I would take out was, it isn't needed because you explained your actions in the previse sentence

found instead of find

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That's a start.  I would look up how to write a correct MLA style paper

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A surprise party. so the answer is D.

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