Why does the world fight over things constantly?


Answer 1
Answer: We as a world want power. Power over money, sports, land, religion, governamt. We do fight a lot but some countries want more than what they already have. Take Russia and Crimea for example. Russia is the biggest country in the world. And they want more land. Those are just some reasons why people would fight. 
Answer 2
Answer: Everyone have their own selfish ends. Some countries wants oil, some want treasure, some are struggling to make themselves developed. Fights occur because of the difference of thinking between two countries, or even people, or because they want the same thing, and they fight over that thing, and the one who wins, take that particular thing as a 'reward' of winning. If everyone remembers this saying, then there will be no fight - 

"The world has everything for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed"

                                                                                                    - Mahatma Gandhi

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I had to look for the options and here is my answer:

The following listed above are classified under the SECONDARY DIMENSIONS OF DIVERSITY. The dimensions of diversity are classified into primary and secondary dimensions and those that belong in the primary dimensions are gender, age, ethnicity, race, physical abilities and sexual orientation.

Any stimulus an animal or person will avoid, given the opportunity to do so is:_______ a) an aversive
b) an avoidant stimulus
c) a reinforcer
d) a punisher


Any stimulus an animal or person will avoid, given the opportunity to do so is: an aversive


Aversives are abhorrent stimuli which cause variations in behavior through punishment; by implementing an aversive promptly following a behavior, the reasonableness of the behavior happening in the future is decreased. Aversives can differ from being lightly unpleasant or irritating to physically abusing.

It is not the level of unpleasantness, but preferably the effectiveness the unpleasant event has on modifying behavior that determines the aversive. It's more generally used in very precise writing, though, especially on the topics of psychology and sociology. The application of aversive methods and punishment procedures, is one of the main ideas that the public requires security by licensing behavior analysis.

A major reason for the decline of the Roman Empire wasa) a series of military defeats in Africa
b) political corruption and the instability of the government
c) the abolition of slavery throughout the Empire
d) continued acceptance of traditional religions


A major reason for the decline of the Roman Empire was political corruption of slavery throughout the Empire

Certain racial and socioeconomic groups in society are far less likely to have access to computers and the Internet, and this phenomenon is called ____.



The answer is the digital divide.


This concept refers to the unequal distribution of digital technology among different groups. Some criteria include their geography and class satatus. The digital divide mostly occurs due to the high expenses of acquiring said technology.  

Although initially the phenomenon was seen as a matter of having the technology, today is considers access and usage.

Cultural diffusion refers to a groupA
forcing others to conform to their culture.

not letting other cultures influence theirs.

spreading its culture to other groups.

migrating to a new place.


The answer is C, hope it helps

Julie was driving her 4-year-old son, Alec, to pre-school when another driver cut her off. She immediately shouted an expletive at the other driver. During the day, Alec became angry when another child took his toy, and he used the same expletive that his mother used earlier. This is an example of:_______.a. operant conditioning.
b. intellectualizing.
c. modeling.
d. classical conditioning.





Modeling is a concept that was given by Albert Bandura. Modeling means behave in a manner to imitate others. Many children's behavior is the result of their parents' behavior. As their parents behave, they behave in same manner. Children imitate their elder's behavior.

So that when Alec's mother shows her behavior toward another driver during her way, Alec observes that behavior and imitate that behavior. When Alec went to school where he shouted on another child because he imitates the same behavior as his mother did in the previous action.