What happens to tempreture under water as you get deeper into the ocean


Answer 1
Answer: As you get deeper into the ocean, the temperature of the water starts dropping and so the water gets colder.Cold water always have a higher density than warmer water. In case of the oceans the cold and salty water settles at the bottom due to higher density and the warmer water rises to the surface. Although the temperature of the water rises by negligible amount from contact with the earth's surface, but it is so negligible that it does not warm the water enough. The sunlight on the other hand beats down on the surface water of the ocean to make it a little more warm.
Answer 2
Answer: it gets colder because cold water has more density than warm water

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Infiltration is the movement of water into the soil and run off is any snow or rain that wasn't absorbed fast enough and that would eventually drain into a watershed. 

So basically the difference is that infiltration is the movement in soil and run off is the access water that will drain into a watershed. 

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Hypothesis: An idea or explanation that you then test through study and experimentation; written as an "if...then" statement.

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A mountain chain of sedimentary rock may form as a result of a




To have a chain of sedimentary rock as a mountain, we would have to reconstruct the geologic history of such terrain.

For a sedimentary rock to form, a basin of deposition is required to hold the sediments derieved from the country rocks.

Sedimentary rocks are formed from weathered and eroded materials.

In the basin, the sediments begins to lie on top of one another to form sedimentary strata.

Diagenesis further lithifies the sediments and turns them into a sedimentary rock.

With time, as the area responds to regional uplift, Sedimentary basins can become Highlands.

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convergent boundary of two continental crusts


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 84 billion cubic meters per year


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The tundra is considered a desert because of its dry, cold weather. The amount of flora in a tundra is comparable to that of a desert, little to none. A vertical feeding pattern is when an animal or person eats while standing up.
A desert is an area that receives very little precipitation (rain or snow), and
has very sparse vegetation.  Tundra fits this description.

"Vertical feeding pattern" in an area means that different species are able to
coexist there because some of them feed from the ground or down near it ...
like eating grass, bugs, or small rodents ... while other species feed from
higher up ... eating like leaves, tree fruits, or birds.