What were the positive and negative effects of Egypt being imperialized by Britain.


Answer 1
Answer: The good thing was the the economy of Egypt was better thanks to the British. They also learned the English language. There was however a strong Arabic oppositon, which didn't like the European ruling (Christians settelting in Egypt). This led to several armed conflicts. British occupation until 1922 when Egypt declared its independence.

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Explain how the leadership style and practices of the native americans affected their relationship with the american gorvenment



At the start of the twentieth century there were approximately 250,000 Native Americans in the USA – just 0.3 per cent of the population – most living on reservations where they exercised a limited degree of self-government. During the course of the nineteenth century they had been deprived of much of their land by forced removal westwards, by a succession of treaties (which were often not honoured by the white authorities) and by military defeat by the USA as it expanded its control over the American West.    

In 1831 the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall, had attempted to define their status. He declared that Indian tribes were ‘domestic dependent nations’ whose ‘relation to the United States resembles that of a ward to his guardian’. Marshall was, in effect, recognising that America’s Indians are unique in that, unlike any other minority, they are both separate nations and part of the United States. This helps to explain why relations between the federal government and the Native Americans have been so troubled. A guardian prepares his ward for adult independence, and so Marshall’s judgement implies that US policy should aim to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream US culture. But a guardian also protects and nurtures a ward until adulthood is achieved, and therefore Marshall also suggests that the federal government has a special obligation to care for its Native American population. As a result, federal policy towards Native Americans has lurched back and forth, sometimes aiming for assimilation and, at other times, recognising its responsibility for assisting Indian development.  


At the start of the twentieth century there were approximately 250,000 Native Americans in the USA – just 0.3 per cent of the population – most living on reservations where they exercised a limited degree of self-government. During the course of the nineteenth century they had been deprived of much of their land by forced removal westwards, by a succession of treaties (which were often not honoured by the white authorities) and by military defeat by the USA as it expanded its control over the American West.    


Got it right on the test

Why were changes in farming so important during the Han Dynasty?


Changes in farming were so important during the Han Dynasty because increased farming allowed for there to be a surplus of food, which allowed people to focus on other skills and tasks that furthered the empire. 

Hurry I need to finish this test in a few minutes! What might the colonist lose if the British found out they were revolting?


Land they need the land

Who invented the cotton gin?a. George Washington Carver
b. Thomas Edison
c. Eli Whitney
d. James Henry Hammond


Good morning

Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin

Answer : C

I hope that's help !




Belief in the divine rights of kings means believeing that kings are chosen by?​



God, or the gods.


The divine rights of kings means that their power should be absolute, and any subjects must follow the king, as they are placed there by God, and being theist communities, whatever god imposes, the people should accept.

The divine right of kings was replaced by limited constitutionalism, democratically based government.





I need help with three questions1. After many people began reading and interpreting the Bible, they :

A) to support the Church’s teachings.
B) began to challenge the Church’s teachings.
C) Ignored the Church.
D) abandoned the Church.

2. William Shakespeare’s plays contributed to Renaissance culture by

A) satirizing the Catholic Church.
B) describing an ideal society.
C) creating complex characters.
D) creating both books and art.

3. Which best explains why the Gutenberg press transformed European society?

A) It increased printing speed while reducing cost, decreasing the number of books written in the vernacular.

B) It increased printing speed while reducing type size, decreasing the size of books.

C) It increased printing speed while reducing cost, allowing printed ideas to spread more widely and quickly.

D)It increased printing speed while reducing cost, allowing publishers to make more money.


1. B) Began to challenge the Church´s teachings.

As more people started to read the Bible they realized that many of the teaching from the catholic church weren´t exactly correct and that many things were wrong.

2.C) Creating complex characters

William Shakespeare´s play started a new era in which characters in theaters were more than just good and evil, he gave them a personality and intentions which gave tehm deepth.

3.C) It increased printing speed while reducing cost, allowing printed ideas to spread more widely and quickly.

With Gutenmberg´s invention of the press, he was able to print more quickly books, and at a lower cost since before books had to be written by someone, this case the times and costs drop signifcantly making them more affordable and it started the democratization of knowledge.

Final answer:

For the first question, the answer is B) began to challenge the Church's teachings. For the second question about Shakespeare's plays' contribution to Renaissance culture, it is C) creating complex characters. Lastly, regarding the Gutenberg press transforming European society, the answer is C) It increased printing speed while reducing cost, allowing printed ideas to spread more widely and quickly.


The answer to your first question, 'After many people began reading and interpreting the Bible, they:', the answer would be B) began to challenge the Church's teachings. The access to religious texts allowed people to interpret them in their own ways which sometimes contradicted the Church's teachings.

For the second question, 'William Shakespeare's plays contributed to Renaissance culture by', the answer is C) creating complex characters. Shakespeare's plays were notable for their layered and psychologically complex characters that were a reflection of the human condition.

Finally, for the question, 'Which best explains why the Gutenberg press transformed European society?', the correct option is C) It increased printing speed while reducing cost, allowing printed ideas to spread more widely and quickly. The Gutenberg press significantly increased the accessibility of books, thus enabling easier spread of ideas and knowledge, and facilitating societal transformation.

Learn more about Renaissance here:
