What is DNA composed of?


Answer 1
Answer: DNA is composed of  sugar and a fosfate 

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Which characteristics are always present in all living organisms


Let's think about this question and ask our selves what is life?
Think about a non-living thing, like a bike. 

Does this bike have kids? Does it need to eat or sleep? What is it made up of? What does it need to survive? Does it need to be able to sense the environment around itself? 

You're probably saying, no the bike doesn't do a lot of these things.

Humans, animals, and pretty much all living things need to perpetuate their genes by means of reproduction, whether it is asexual or sexual. 
We need to animals need to eat and sleep, but you can just categorize this as a metabolic process. Plants need Nitrogen and CO2 and sunlight, to undergo metabolic processes and make glucose (another metabolic process). We also must be able to maintain an equilibrium while conducting metabolism (homeostasis).
We need to be able to sense the environment around ourselves to survive. 
If you look at simple organisms, they are often able to detect different chemicals and know to be attracted or stay away from certain substances. 

All living things are made up of cells.

The process helps fuel your metabolism with oxygen. Select all that apply. Primary decomposers are _____. fungi plants trees bacteria animals


fungi and bacteria are primary decomposers whereas plants and trees are producers and animals are consumers


bacteria and fungi are the answers.


How does logging(chopping down trees)...benefit(helps) society


chopping off trees helps society by allowing new plants and trees that are not being allowed by the trees (not enough space/blocking sunlight) to grow.
another benefit is that we need wood to build lots of places and make lots of things that could help us in making our society a better place.
it allows people to get extra space that they probably need, as the population keeps on growing.. 
hope these helped! brainliest?

Molecules that contain carbon bonded to other elements are referred to as?


Most molecules that contain carbon are organic. These molecules make up organic compounds and can be liquid, gaseous, or solid chemical compounds.   The simplest organic molecules, hydrocarbons, contain only hydrogenatoms bonded to a carbon backbone. The carbon backbone ranges from one carbon atom in methane, or natural gas, to thousands of carbon atoms, such as in polyethylene, a commonly used plastic.
Organic molecules contain carbon

The combination of chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials as it carries out its life processes is called ___________.


The process is called metabolism.  The food and liquid that is intake by the body is converted into energy that is used by the body to carry out daily functions is a process called metabolism. That is metabolism builds the body.  It also breaks down food and keep the nutrients and pass out the waste.

The combination of chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials as it carries out its life processes is called metabolism.

Its main purpose is to convert food to energy.


Metabolism can even confer with the add of all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms, together with digestion and therefore the transport of drugs into and between totally different cells, during which case the set of reactions among the cells is named intermediator metabolism or intermediate metabolism.

Which of the following are decomposers?Bacteria and Fungi
Grass and Trees
Viruses and Protozoa
Animals and Plants


A, they break down dead animals and plants.