Pleaseeee help got this homework tomorrow ; if an object vibrates five times every second it has a frequency of ...?


Answer 1
Answer: Here's a tip: The unit of frequency ... Hertz or Hz ... means "per second". "Five times PER SECOND" is a frequency of 5 Hz.

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Why dog pants during summer use the cocept of evaporation


Every "warm-blooded" living thing needs a way to make heat and keep it
when its body is too cold inside, and a way to get rid of extra heat when
its body is too hot inside.

Moving around (using muscles) makes heat inside, and the animal needs
a way to get rid of the heat.  Fast.

Evaporation is a very effective way to get rid of heat.

Human animals do it by perspiring.  We excrete moisture through our skin,
and when the moisture evaporates, that takes heat away very efficiently.
That's why we like to fan ourselves when we're hot ... moving more air
past our skin makes moisture evaporate faster.

Dogs don't perspire, so they badly need another way to get rid of heat
in a hurry.

They do it through their mouth.  They put water in their mouth if it's available,
or else just collect a lot of saliva in there if there's no other water, and then
they blow air over it to evaporate it and get rid of heat.  Panting moves more
air over the moisture, which causes more evaporation and more heat loss.

In a given circuit, the supplied voltage is 1.5 volts. One resistor is 3 ohms and the other is 2 ohms. Use Ohm's law to determine the current in the circuit. 0.3 amps 1.5 amps 7.5 amps 3.3 amps The purpose of a fuse or circuit breaker is _____. to speed up the current to slow down the current to stop current that is flowing too fast to stop current that is flowing too slow


Part #1:
You haven't mentioned whether the resistors are in series
or in parallel.  It's going to make a difference.

-- If the resistors are in series, then their net effective resistance
is their sum.

           (3 ohms) + (2 ohms) = 5 ohms.

Current in the circuit is

                      (supply voltage) / (total resistance)

                 =            (1.5 volts) / (5 ohms) = 0.3 ampere . 

-- If the resistors are in parallel, then their net effective resistance
                   (their product) / (their sum)

        = (1 ohms x 2 ohms) / (1 ohm + 2 ohms)

        =              (2 ohms²) / (3 ohms)  =  2/3 ohm .

Current in the circuit is

                      (supply voltage) / (total resistance)
                 =   (1.5 volts) / (2/3 ohm)  =  1.0 ampere .

I guess your resistors are in series, because 0.3 amp
is one of the choices but 1.0 amp isn't.

Part #2.
When it comes to talking about electric current, the terms
"speed up", "slow down", "fast", and "slow" are somewhere
between meaningless and absurd.

The purpose of a fuse or circuit breaker is to shut down a current
that is too great ... too great a magnitude, too many electrons all
trying to crowd their way through the wire at the same time, like
100 lines of ants all carrying bread crumbs through a straw and
back to their hole, when there was only supposed to be one or
two lines.

Speed has nothing to do with it.  All electric currents flow through
wires at the same speed, at least in high school.  It's a matter of
Amperes, which has nothing to do with speed.

Which of the following is a valuable part of the scientific method?


trial and error

scientific laws and theories are proven by experimental data and large bodies of evidence.

How small are the wavelengths of gamma ray radiation? A. smaller than an atom B. about the size of a golf ball C. about 10 times the size of an atom D. about the size of earth **:( thank you!!


Electromagnetic waves about the size of a golf ball are used for
microwave radio communication and radar every day.

Electromagnetic waves that are about 4-1/2 inches long are used
in the microwave oven to heat leftover meatloaf and make popcorn .

Electromagnetic waves that are 10 times the size of an atom
are hard hard X-rays.

Electromagnetic waves that are the size of Earth's diameter
are used for ELF communications, including standard time
signals, and submarine communication.

Mechanical waves that are the same order of magnitude as
the Earth are seismic (earthquake) waves.

Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths in the
neighborhood of the same size as the atomic nucleus. To get
some idea of their frequency, just contemplate how long it would
take light ... (which can get to the moon in a couple of seconds) ...
to move from one side of an atomic nucleus to the other side.

The correct answer is: A. Smaller than an atom.

'When we see something that exists in real life, there are many different ways to display imagery and importance using art. What the artist _____________ depends on what he/she wants to communicate.'





The expression of an art is intelligible to those that understand it, as such to make an impression an artist has to emphasize the point they want to communicate

An art is an expression of the personal experiences of the artist or a reaction to events or to reveal the realities as seen by the artist such as global warming and the environment, so as to get the attention of people with the goal to change them, such that a good art changes the most people, hence the need for emphasis.


A - emphasizes