Consider the following 1.0 mol L–1solutions. Which one of the following lists the
solutions in decreasing order (that is, strongest to weakest) of electrolyte strength?

(a) sodium phosphate > sulfuric acid > phosphoric acid > sucrose (sugar)
(b) sucrose (sugar) > sulfuric acid > phosphoric acid > sodium phosphate
(c) sulfuric acid > sodium phosphate > phosphoric acid > sucrose (sugar)
(d) sodium phosphate > phosphoric acid > sulfuric acid > sucrose (sugar)


Answer 1
Answer: (a) sodium phosphate > sulfuric acid > phosphoric acid > sucrose (sugar) 
(b) sucrose (sugar) > sulfuric acid > phosphoric acid > sodium phosphate 
(c) sulfuric acid > sodium phosphate > phosphoric acid > sucrose (sugar) 
(d) sodium phosphate > phosphoric acid > sulfuric acid > sucrose (sugar)

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The answer is (2). You can think about this question in terms of the Bohr's model of the atom or in terms of quantum chemistry. In the Bohr model, electrons exist in discrete "shells," each respresenting a fixed spherical distance from the nucleus in which electrons of certain energy levels orbit the nucleus. The larger the shell (the greater the "orbit" radius), the greater the energy of the "orbiting" electron (I use quotations because electrons don't actually orbit the nucleus in the traditional sense, as you may know). Thus, according to the Bohr model, a third shell electron should be farther from the nucleus and have greater energy than an electron in the first shell.The quantum model is differs drastically from the Bohr model in many ways, but the essence is the same. A larger principal quantum number indicates 1) greater overall energy and 2) a probability distribution spread a bit more outward.

Another source of energy is nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is the energy in the nucleus of an atom. We can release this energy and use it to make electricity. In this project, you will research nuclear energy.OBJECTIVES
Research nuclear energy and its use for generating electricity.

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Which list of radioisotopes contains an alpha emitter, a beta emitter, and a positron emitter?(1) C-14, N-16, P-32
(2) Cs-137, Fr-220, Tc-99
(3) Kr-85, Ne-19, Rn-222
(4) Pu-239, Th-232, U-238


Answer: The correct option is 3.

Explanation: Radioisotopes which emits alpha-particle are known as alpha-emitters. These radioisotopesundergo alpha-decay.

The radioisotopes which emits beta-particle (_(-1)^0\beta ) are known as beta-emitters. These radioisotopes undergo beta-minus decay. In this decay a neutron gets converted to a proton and an electron.

The radioisotopes which emits positron-particle (_(+1)^0\beta ) are known as positron-emitters. These radioisotopes undergo beta-plus decay. In this type of decay a proton gets converted to a neutron.

From the given options,

Option 1: All the three radioisotopes undergoes beta-minus decay.

Option 2: Cs-137 and Tc-99 radioisotopes undergo beta-minus decay.

Fr-220 is a radioisotope which undergoes alpha-decay.

Option 3: Radioisotope Kr-85 undergoes beta-minus decay.

_(36)^(85)\textrm{Kr}\rightarrow _(37)^(85)\textrm{Rb}+_(-1)^0\beta

Radioisotope Ne-19 undergoes positron decay.

_(10)^(19)\textrm{Ne}\rightarrow _(9)^(19)\textrm{F}+_(+1)^0\beta

Radioisotope Rn-222 undergoes alpha decay.

_(86)^(222)\textrm{Rn}\rightarrow _(84)^(218)\textrm{Po}+_(2)^4\alpha

Option 4: All the three radioisotopes undergoes beta-minus decay processes.

Hence, from the above information, the correct option is 3.

The answer is (3), they are β-, β+ and α decay mode. For (1), they are β-, β- and β- decay mode. For (2), they are β-, α and β-. For (4), they are α, α and α decay mode.

What is the voltage of a galvanic cell made with silver (ag) and nickel (ni)?


Silver reduction potential: 0.8 V
Nickel reduction potential: -0.23 V

Cell voltage = 0.8 -  (-0.23)
= 1.03 V


1.05 V
