How does federalism guard against tyranny


Answer 1
it guards against tyranny because in federalism the power is divided by the federal government and the state government. Not all the power goes to one person or group so the power will be split. Which that means that no one can do what they want with the power. It prevents all the power going to one person or group.  :)
Answer 2

Final answer:

Federalism guards against tyranny by dividing governmental powers between the national and state governments. This division ensures no one entity becomes too powerful, providing checks and balances. Historically, conflicts arising from this division, such as during the Korean War or desegregation in Alabama, were resolved limiting federal power.


Federalism is a constitutional principle dividing governmental power between the national government and the states, contributing to guarding against tyranny. This division of power limits any one government body's power, preventing anyone from gaining too much authority and potentially becoming despotic. It's based on the concept of checks and balances.

For instance, while the federal government has the power to declare war, print money, and make treaties, state governments have the ability to regulate commerce, conduct elections, and establish local governments. This division ensures that no one entity is too powerful, acting as a safeguard against tyranny.

Examples of Federalism Guarding against Tyranny

Historically, conflicts between federal and state jurisdictions such as during President Truman's attempt to take over steel mills during the Korean War or Governor George Wallace’s attempt to block desegregation in Alabama were resolved in favor of limiting federal power. Thus, demonstrating the role of federalism as a means of guarding against the concentration of power and potential tyranny.

Learn more about Federalism and Tyranny here:


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