A Venus flytrap produces new leaves from the step tip.Which life characteristic does this illustrate?
a. growth
b. reproduction
c. homeostasis
d. response to stimuli


Answer 1
Answer: A. GROWTH is a life characteristic that is illustrated when a Venus flytrap produces new leaves from the step tip.

Venus flytrap, unlike many other plants, does not have a  central stalk or trunk nor intermediate tissue between roots and leaves. Instead, a Venus flytrap is composed only of leaves where each leaf grow its own single structure roots.

Each new leaf shares some tissues with existing leaves until it grows its own roots. Venus flytrap is self-sustaining. Its leaves can be separated from other leaves and potted to become a separate plant after developing its own roots.

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A government facing protests and demonstrations that are supported by most of its citizens and spread across its territory has lost A. consent of the governed

B. limited government

C. individual rights

D. rule of law


When a government is facing protests and demonstrations that are supported by a lot of citizens and this spreads it means the territory has lose the consent of the governed. 


consent of the governed


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The election of 1800 ended in a tie between Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson. The vote became up to the delegates and ultimately up to Alexander Hamilton. Jefferson eventually won the election becoming president.

A long term effect of this election is that it resulted in the 12th amendment which changed the way we elect presidents today. This was proposed in 1803 and ratified in 1804. This was mainly caused because of Jefferson being the president at the time.

(And just in case you need more background on the 12th amendment) :

The 12th Amendment specifies that the Electors now chose a candidate for President and a separate candidate for VP. Ties for President are decided by the House. Ties for the VP are decided by the Senate.
It is therefore possible to have a President and VP of different parties.




How did Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin create the Latin America we know today? Please at least a paragraph.PLease dont copy and paste stuff


Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin are the two forerunners of the South American wars for independence. He led a military force consisting of 5,000 men to Chile. After declaring independence in Chile, he proceeded to to invade Peruand declared independence for Peru. 

Today, these two are given the utmost respect through places of honour in historical museums.

Final answer:

Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín were instrumental in shaping Latin America's independence movements against Spanish rule. Bolívar led the fight in northern South America, with visions of a unified continent under a republican system. San Martín, who admired British monarchy, led troops in the south to help achieve widespread independence.


Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín played pivotal roles in the formation of modern Latin America. Bolívar, a member of the creole elite fuelled by Enlightenment ideas and the French Revolution, fought for independence beginning in 1811 and went on to liberate the territories that became Gran Colombia (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador). He envisioned a unified Spanish America where a republican system would guarantee stability, rejecting the monarchical system.

José de San Martín, on the other hand, admired the British constitutional monarchy. He led troops in the southern parts of the continent, working in tandem with Bolívar, to achieve and spread independence throughout South America. Particularly, he led his troops through the Andes to assist Chile, and also into Peru, effectively forcing the royalist troops there to accept amnesty.

Such actions by Bolívar and San Martín not only challenged Spanish rule, but also propelled the desire and drive for local governance, free trade, and control over tax revenues. Despite challenges such as vast geographic distances, natural obstacles, and the cultural isolation of the regions they were trying to unite, their contributions undeniably laid the foundation for the Latin America we know today.

Learn more about Latin American Independence here:



Which statement best describes the influence of Catherine the Great on Russia?A. She allied with Austria and Prussia to protect the territory of Poland-Lithuania.

B. She embarked on a program of reform of government, law, and education.

C. She studied Western ideas but did not encourage Russians to adopt them.

D. She made diplomatic efforts to acquire a warm-water port on the Black Sea.


I am 99.99% sure the answer is D. I learnt this like last semester or something, so I’m 100% sure, but I’m very confident that it is D. Hope I gave you the right answer!

Following World War II, internal migration flowed south and west as industries relocated. As a result, employment opportunities grew in the region known as the Sun Belt. Why did industries choose to move to this area?


The main reason why there was a massive immigration towards the Sun Belt was because it was unoccupied relatively to the other areas of the US, this meant that new servrices and industries could be developed for the young and flourishing naiton. 


The answer is option B on plato.
