Over half of the world’s known supply of oil is found in _____.


Answer 1
Answer: over half of the world known supply of oil is found in southwest asia
Answer 2
Answer: Southwest Asia.
Over half of the world’s known supply of oil is found in Southwest Asia.

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in a paragraph of approximately eight lines evaluate how food insecurity impact the economic growth in South Africa​



Food insecurity can have a significant negative impact on economic growth in South Africa. When a large segment of the population lacks access to sufficient, nutritious food, it can lead to decreased labor productivity and poor health outcomes. Malnourished individuals are more prone to illness, reducing their ability to work and contribute to the economy. Additionally, food insecurity can hinder children's educational attainment, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and limiting the future skilled workforce. The government may have to allocate resources to address immediate food needs, diverting funds from other development initiatives. Moreover, food price volatility and reliance on imports can create macroeconomic instability. To achieve sustained economic growth, South Africa needs to address food insecurity comprehensively through agricultural development, social safety nets, and poverty reduction strategies.


Hope this helps

Who inspired the French people with a sense of nationalism during the Hundred Years’ War? A. Gutenberg B. Charlemagne C. Martin Luther D. Joan of Arc



D. Joan of Arc


Joan of Arc was a French peasant who claimed she'd had visions of saints and an angel that told her to help restore France from domination by the English.  

Joan of Arc came to the scene at a critical time in 1429.  The northern half of France was essentially under the control of the English.  There was contention over who was truly the French king after Charles VI had died in 1422.  His son, the prince Charles, was a claimant to the throne. But the English contended their boy king, Henry VI, should rule over France.

In January 1429, Joan (age 17) came to the court of the prince, Charles, and convinced him of her mission from God.  Within a few months, she had rallied the people of France and helped to break the control of the English over large sections of French territory.  She ultimately was captured by a group of French nobles who were allied with the English, was handed over to the English, and was burned at the stake (in 1431).  But she had done much to unite the French people around a sense of common patriotism and national aspirations.




Orthodox icons, paintings, and sculptures are merely beautiful expressions of an artist's love for the Church. True or False?


The statement is - False.

The Orthodox icons, paintings, and sculptures, can be interpreted in multiple ways, but it will be wrong to say that they are merely the expression of an artist's love for the church.

Some of the artist are indeed deep believers, and do express their faith through their art, but some just do it for the money, and are not even religious, but instead just use their talent and earn for living. Also, the icons in the Orthodox Christianity are not a symbol of respect and love for the church, but instead the people have icons of some saints at their home as a traditional thing, as a saint protector of the home, or a saint that has the same name as someone in the home to bring good luck and welfare.

In general, we can say that the Orthodox Christians do not really have love towards the church or the priests, but only in God. They also do not go often to church or pray to the icons at home.

False. Orthodox people use icons in their religious life. They do not pray to them, but, they can act as a focus for a religious discipline.

Hope that helps!!!

Most severe weather is generated in areas that are _____. warm and moist cool and moist warm and dry cool and dry


The correct answer should be Warm and Moist

Such regions can suffer from massive monsoons that can last for months, as well as typhoons, tsunamis, and similar.

Most severe weather is generated in areas that are  warm and moist   .

Some precipitation never reaches the earth because it _____ before it reaches the earth's surface. evaporates, sublimates, and condenses


Sublimation is the change from a solid state to gas - but precipitation is not in solid form, so this is not the correct answer.

Condensation is the change from gaseous form to solid.

The correct answer is: evaporates: this means that the water drops change into gas

What happens if the use of groundwater exceeds the rate of replenishment?a. the depth of the water table increases
b. the water table is more likely to be polluted
c. the depth of the water table decreases
d. the water table remains unchanged


The answer is C. the depth of the water table decreases

Water table is the boundary between water-saturated ground and unsaturated ground.

When the groundwater dissapear faster  than it replenish, the depth will decreases, making it harder for people to gain access to the groundwater

The answer is C. the depth of the water table decreases