Please explain how an increase in water vapour might result in a positive feedback loop


Answer 1
Answer: An increase in water vapor has a direct relationship with temperature. As temperature rises, water vapor increase. As temperature rises, more water vapor is absorbed into the atmosphere. This causes what is known as a greenhouse effect, where the water vapor absorbs heat,  resulting in even more evaporation and then the cycle continues.

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A crater is the top of a volcano's central vent and is funnel shaped. A caldera is a magma chamber that supplies materials to the volcano and eventually collapses when there's nothing more to supply.

Mineral A is purple. Mineral B is black. Both minerals leave the same color streak. Which of the following statements is true?-Both minerals have the same true color.
-Both minerals have identical physical properties.
-Mineral A is made from different elements than Mineral B.
-Mineral B is a gem, but Mineral A is a common mineral.



The correct answer is "Both minerals have the same true color".


A mineral color streak refers to the color the mineral displays when is in a finely powdered form. Even though the color streak could be completely different from the one the mineral displays when is as a hand specimen, it is considered that the true color of the mineral is the color streak. Therefore, maybe mineral A and mineral B are purple and black when they are as hand specimen, respectively. But if both minerals leave the same color streak, both minerals have the same true color.

Answer: Mineral A is made from different elements than Mineral B.


A mineral is an inorganic substance obtain from below the earth crust in the geospheres. They are obtain from the rocks by mining process. These minerals can be identified by their physical and chemical properties. The physical properties include color of the mineral. The color of the mineral can be observed externally but two or more minerals may have the same color externally. But by using the streak method the mineral is rubbed over a surface. The color of the powder obtained after this process is the exact color of the mineral which can be used to distinguish between two minerals. It defines the elemental composition of the mineral.

Rising levels of carbon dioxide most likely



The elevating levels of carbon dioxide most probably can diminish the productivity on the land and the sea. In case, when there is an elevating level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, more amount of carbon dioxide gets dissolved within the water bodies like sea. This further enhances the levels of pH, which leads to coral bleaching and other deleterious things that can hamper biodiversity found in the water ecosystem.  

Even on land, the phenomenon of global warming resulting due to an increase in the levels of greenhouse gases leads to change in climate. Due to change in climate, a decline can be witnessed in the diversity of crops, and thus also diminishes productivity, which hampers farmers that depends on productivity as the source of income.  

Since the Inbdustrial Revolution, human sources of CO2 emissions have been growing.
Activities such as buring fossil fuels, and deforrestation are the primary cause of the increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.

Which is the main reason toads must lay eggs in water?A. The eggs do not have a shell to prevent water loss.
B. The eggs need to absorb nutrients from water.
C. The eggs are not laid in nests.
D. The eggs need protection from predators.


The answer is A. The eggs do not have a shell to prevent water loss.

Toad's eggs do not have a shell, like reptile eggs or bird eggs. Shell is important because it protects eggs from drying out if they are laid in the land. 
Toads lay eggs in a jelly-like glycoprotein. Thanks to glycoprotein around toad's eggs, contact with water is maintained all the time so that eggs don't die. 

Description of a blue shark


The aerodynamic shape and lightness of the blue shark body allow itto move “elegantly” across the oceans. It exhibits countershading likemany other sharks. The upper part is an indigo blue tone while theventral and the sides are white.

It has a long caudal heterocercal fin. The second dorsal fin measuresalmost half the size of the first and its pectoral fins are unusuallylong compared to other sharks. Its eyes are large, its teeth aretriangular, and it has a conical snout.

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The energy needed to "pump" sodium outside the cell in active transport is _____.ATP





it's ATP, hope i could help :)