What sentence can I make with infancy


Answer 1
Answer: The infancy of Roman republic its revenues were of the kind usual in such communities 

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Respond to the following prompt by writing a comparitive essay of at least 750 words.Jane Eyre was first published under the pseudonym of "Currer Bell." Ten years earlier, Charlotte Brontë sent a sample of her work to the Poet Laureate of the time, Robert Southey. His reply gives us an insight into society’s opinion of women writers in 1837:“ . . . Literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life, and it ought not to be. The more she is engaged in her proper duties, the less leisure she will have for it, even as accomplishment and a recreation. To those duties you have not yet been called, and when you are you will be less eager for celebrity . . .”Explain how both the author and her character represent “the outsider,” the free spirit struggling for recognition and self-respect in the face of rejection by a class-ridden and gender-oriented society.
The following is a student draft. It may contain errors.One example of scientists working to make people's lives better is through their development of underwater greenhouses, a sustainable method for producing food. One underwater greenhouse, a set of pods anchored to the seafloor just outside the coast of Italy's Liguria region, is called Nemo's Garden.Nemo's Garden was developed in 2012 by a company called the Ocean Reef Group. Through their experiments at Nemo's Garden, the group was able to learn that plants grow faster underwater. This discovery led the scientists to conclude that underwater greenhouses could be one way to ensure that countries experiencing drought or other conditions that impact farming would still have access to healthy food.The pods found in Nemo's garden look similar to something one would see in a science fiction movie. The pods are various sizes and float at different depths, which keeps the plants safe. The dome at the top of each pod allows sunlight to enter, which keeps the plants warm despite the fact that the surrounding water is much cooler.The crops in Nemo's Garden must remain hydrated to grow. Additionally, the plants must be maintained by a special group of divers and monitored twenty-four hours a day through the use of cameras and sensors.While underwater greenhouses are not without problems—mainly due to leaking and decay—scientists are hopeful about their potential future uses.Which sentence best introduces the topic?A. Scientists oftentimes struggle to find new ways to make people's lives better.B. Scientists enjoy developing new technologies, even though it takes time.C. Scientists are constantly looking for ways to improve people's lives.D. Scientists do not have all the answers, but they try to.
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Give me good mother quotes?


1.dont let the bed bugs bite

2.what u do to other people would come back to u

3. there is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one
can I be brainliest
"Time for bed children"
"We need to talk"
"Bad boy!"
"Bad girl!

Reading the sentence from a research paper some online communities utilize software that makes it easier to find research (Timmons,2012,p.16).acvordong to APA style,sentence such as his are called


Its called a

in-text citation.

Which word or words and punctuation best corrects any errors in the sentence? For safety, drivers should keep these items in their cars at all times a first-aid kit, a flashlight, a blanket, and fresh water.




There is no error in this sentence.

Is it A?


im a little late but the answer would be A :P
The answer is C because the semi colon breaks up the sentence.

Please help, im lost!Fill in each blank with the most appr
opriate word from Lesson 2. Use a word or any of its forms once. (Words at bottom of the page)

1. Balancing a budget is a(n)______task for individuals as well as for governments.
2. When several people pass along information one by one, the inevitably_____it.
3. Although admirers were eager to lionize the Bronte sisters, they were_______s, preferring their own company to that of the outside world.
4. Thomas Carlyle says that "__________is hard upon a man" but that prosperity is even harder to endure.
5. A clever_______may win admiration for wit but discourage gentler feelings.
6. Readers of Beverly Cleary's_______have met Henry Huggins, an amusing character who appears in a succession of her of her novels.
7. As they leap, turn somersaults, and otherwise________ their bodies, Olympic gymnasts prove their suppleness.
8. Although the nursery rhyme begins, "Mary, Mary, quite contrary," The references to her garden and "maids all in a row" do not explain why she is_______.

adversity avert contort distort introvert p-erverse prose retort subservient subvert tortuous


1 is adversity 7 is avert because it means turn 4 is prose

How are the process of refining and marketing the phonograph is similar to the development of the audio spotlight in psst


It was because both the inventors of the products had to face rivalry when promoting their products. In order for their products to hit the market with excellent sales reports, both the inventors had to make an effort show off. Both inventors refined their products to make better versions and make them successful in the market. 

Not sure how to start


Just an FYI this is under the English category so you might want repost :) but for elimination you can eliminate the x’s
Other Questions
At the end of Chapter 6, the narrator tells readers that Bilbo "dreamed of his own house and wandered in his sleep into all his different rooms looking for something that he could not find nor remember what it looked like." What does Bilbo's dream represent? A. Bilbo has met Gollum before but is unable to remember exactly when or precisely where. B. Bilbo is homesick and no longer wants to be on this quest with the dwarves and Gandalf. C. Bilbo no longer finds complete comfort in his home and must seek out new experiences to feel satisfied. D. Bilbo has forgotten something very important at home and must return there to retrieve it. 8. (3 pt) Which best describes a consequence of Tolkien's decision to set The Hobbit in Middle-earth rather than a real place? A. The setting allowed him to write about a heroic figure who goes on a quest. B. The setting allowed him to give his novel a happy ending rather than a tragic one. C. The setting allowed him to write about characters who had flaws and did not always do the right thing. D. The setting allowed him to invent all different kinds of imaginary creatures, myths, and gods. 9. (3 pt) Which element from the novel represents safety and comfort, but also a lack of adventure or excitement? A. Bilbo's home B. the hoard of Thror C. Gollum's ring D. Gandalf's wizardry 10. (3 pt) Read this passage: "That is Mr. Baggins, a hobbit of good family and unimpeachable reputation," said Gandalf. "…I am a wizard. I have heard of you if you have not heard of me." "...What do you want?" asked Beorn. "[We] have lost our luggage and nearly lost our way, and are rather in need of help, or at least of advice." What trait does Gandalf show when he speaks to Beorn in this way? A. tactfulness B. bravery C. foolishness D. fear 11. (3 pt) Why do the different groups in the novels sing songs? A. The songs help the singers express their hopes and fears, what they like and dislike. B. The songs calm the enemies of the singers and make them safer. C. The songs warn the singers about dangers they have yet to face. D. The songs help the singers find their way when they get lost or escape when they are captured. 12. (3 pt) Read this passage: "This thing all things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down." Who says these words? A. Thorin B. Gollum C. Gandalf D. the Great Goblin 13. (3 pt) Which character's downfall is caused by having too much pride? A. the Master B. Bombur C. Smaug D. the Elvenking 14. (3 pt) Which is a theme of The Hobbit? A. People respect that which they fear. B. Never trust those you do not know. C. Greed is a destructive force in relationships. D. Might makes right.