What are 5 motivations for European Colonizations of Africa. Explain.


Answer 1
Answer: The top five motivations for European colonization of Africa were resources extraction, competition with other Europeans, competition with African nations, labor utilization, and territorial expansion--since this was during the "scramble for Africa". 

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How were these pseudo-scientific theories used to justify racist policies and imperialist expansion


since you didn't specify one, I'll give you a little challenge: global climate change. 

yes...this is not a "historical" answer, but please bear with me as you may learn something quite a bit more useful than a history lesson... 

climate change is a very trendy topic now....and many of its proponents are absolutely convinced of its "science".. 

...however, for many this absoute faith in the "science" translates all-too-easily into an absolute faith in the righteousness of the proposed "solutions"... 

...for example, president obama recently celebrated his participation in a "landmark" international accord to combat climate change... many of his supporters lauded him for "taking a stand against global corporations and their exploitation of people and natural resources..." 

great.... right? 

this agreement contained two provisions that seemingly went unnoticed.... first, nations considered "developing" will not have to comply with the strict emmisions restrictions... second, all nations are required to designate a certain percentage of their natural forests & jungles as untouchable "preserves." 

sounds good.... right? please think it through... 

the agreement gives these nations the authority to displace any indigenous peoples who just happen to call those "preserves" home... over a million people are expected to be kicked off their ancestral lands in DR Congo alone. 

keep in mind that most of these people will be illiterate hunter-gatherers ... how do you think they will manage to support themselves? 

guess what? because those nations will not be required to meet environmental standards, a bunch of new factories, mines and refineries are sure to open up there....and they'll have all the cheap labor they could ever need! Yay! 

and guess who owns those businesses? that's right, mega-corporations...guess who those corporations support? that's right... the very politicians who signed the climate change deal! 

so you were asking about how "pseudo science" supports/justifies exploitation and imperialism? well....as the old rhyme goes: the wheels on the bus keep on going 'round and 'round... don't they?

What is the domino theory?A. a political theory that was developed during the Cold War that stated if one nation fell to communism surrounding nations would likely fall to communism as well
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The domino theory is A. a political theory that was developed during the Cold War that stated if one nation fell to communism surrounding nations would likely fall to communism as well.




because it is

PWhich problems arose as a result of capitalism with little government oversight? Check all that apply.


Assuming that this is referring to the same list of options that was posted before with this question, the correct two responses would be "monopolies and collusion between firms" and "pollution", since this are things that can lead to more profits for firms but more damage to the population. 

What is the relationship between drama How do asides work in conjunction with dramatic irony?And plays?


1. What is the relationship between drama and plays?

The relationship between drama and plays is that Drama is the genre of literature to which plays belong.

2. How do asides work in conjunction with dramatic irony? And plays?

An aside gives the audience more information than what the other characters know, it helps the audience see when a character's actions might not end up as planned.

Explain what this document tells you about life in the United States during the early 1800s


There were a great number of documents floating around during the
early 1800s.  Each of them would tell us something different about life
in the United States during that time.  So the answer to this question
completely depends on which individual document from the time is
being consulted.  Since you have not specified the document, it's not
possible to nail down an answer.

IS The United States is the leading supplier of fossil fuels.
a. True
b. False


Your answer would be False. Hope that helps.

the answer is false