Which two key principles of government are included in the Declaration of Independence?


Answer 1
Answer: " ... and that as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, concluded peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things which independent states many of right do..."

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Which is a good example of Roman portrait painting?


A portrait is an artwork or an artistic representation of a person. Its goal is to portray the personality, mood or the likeness of a certain person. A portrait usually shows the person looking at the painter or the artist for the goal of engaging the subject to the audience. A good example of a Roman portrait painting is the bust of Julius Caesar. Only two of his portraits survived through the years and the one is called the "Tusculum portrait".

Answer: the Artemidorus mummy

Explanation: When a person died, a colorful portrait of the deceased was painted on a thin wood panel and placed on his or her face. The painting was made using the encaustic technique, which used a mixture of pigment and hot wax. Also called the Fayum portraits, they were remarkably lifelike, including the famous Artemidorus mummy.

Which culture created gunpowder & the compass & the abacus? 1.)Chinese. 2.)Persian. 3.)Indian. 4.)Japanese.


The Chinese created all of those things because they started to advance and had to use new technology.

The Chinese were early users of these three inventions, long before any of the other culture choices.

The U.S. Constitution provides for all of the following branches of government except for:military


It provides for the following branches of the government:


In fact the first three articles specify these branches: one article per branch. For example, First Article prescribes the organization of the legislative branch (the Congress).

the correct answer is the first option: military

Answer: the military


Why was the US invasion of Iraq controversial


The controversial thing behing the US invasion in Iraq i  the 2000's was a fact, that the Americans said that the main purpose of the war is to end the regime of Saddam Hussein because he owns an extremely dangerous resources of chemical weapons. 

Even though this war continues for years and years on, there has never been an undisputable proof, that this chemical weapons exists.


President Bush's reasons for going to war proved false.


President George W. Bush asserted that Iraq's leader was funding Islamic terrorists and stockpiling weapons of mass destruction, and both accusations proved to be false.

What factors make Central America good for raising bananas, coffee, and cacao? high elevations rain forests tropical climate volcanic soils


The correct answer for this question is this one: "tropical climate." The factor that make Central America good for raising bananas, coffee, and cacao is because of its climate. Central America's climate is tropical which is very suitable for growing coffee, bananas and cacao.
The factor that mostly influences Central America in terms of it's banana, coffee, and cacao raising abilities is the tropic climate.

Because they have enough rain and heat, the different produces which have been mentioned before are able to thrive. They wouldn't thrive to the same degree without these factors. 

What is the purpose of the consumer price index?a. To determine the amount of tax revenues the government will collect
b. To encourage employers to hire more workers
c. To measure changes in prices
d. To project innovations in manufacturing


The purpose of the consumer price index is c) to measure changes in prices. The consumer price index measures changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. The consumer price index is a statistical estimate. Weighting data is also used for the consumer price index.