The _______ in plants is directly responsible for absorbing light energy.a. stroma

b. thylakoid

c. grana

d. chlorophyll


Answer 1

The correct answer is Chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is a pigment present in the plant that directly absorbs light from the sun rays. There are two types of chlorophyll called as chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. They both absorb light. The maximum absorbed spectra is red and minimum absorbed spectra is blue. The green colored spectra is not absorbed by the plants making the plants appear green in color.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer is D, Chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll attracts light from the sun.


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The answer is trisomy 21.

Trisomy 21 is a condition in which an extra copy of chromosome 21 is present. Instead of two chromosomes 21 in a cell, there are three chromosomes. This is a consequence of a failure of chromosome 21 to separate during the gamete development. Thus, an egg cell or a sperm cell will have two instead of one chromosome 21 and after a cross with normal gamete cell, a zygote will have three chromosomes 21.

D) changes in chromosomes leading to changes in cell processes.

What percentage of garbage can be burned as fuel?


The percentage of garbage that can be burned as fuel would be 66%. Not all garbage in the world can be combusted in order to be used as fuel. A small percentage of it is not favorable to be used as fuel. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The percentage of garbage that can be burned as fuel is about 66%.

An average citizen in the United States trows almost five pounds of trash on a daily basis. Organic trash contains energy. That is why trash is burned so that energy can be used in different forms, for instance, to produce electricity. Companies that burn trash to create energy can produce electricity to serve 2.5 million people.

What secies reproduce rapidly in a new habitat due to lack of parasites and predators that would control the population


Hi there!

Most native species that evolved with their habitat also have an array of natural predators and parasites to keep the population in check. The exception to this is invasive species. Such species are usually introduced into a habitat artificially and lack the natural predators and parasites present in their original home. 

Therefore, the type of species that normally reproduces quickly with little to no predators to control the population are invasive species.

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What role do villi play in absorption

How do bacteria in the large intestine help keep us healthy

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A. Small intestine

B. Digestion

C. Because of the fluid present in our stomach.

Which phrase best summarizes the theory of evolution by natural selection?A.Over extended periods of time populations change.

B.Survival is done by the strongest.

C.All life comes from life.

D.Species evolve and become better adapted to their environment.


The correct answer is (d.) species evolve and become better adapted to their environment. It best summarizes the theory of evolution by natural selection. It simply implies that organism changes over a period of time and evolve in a better way because of their adaptation to their environment.

Professor Chapman is very friendly with her students, allowing them extra time on assignments and giving them the freedom to come late to class whenever they want. Dr. Weldon, on the other hand, is much stricter in the classroom. She does not accept late assignments, tells students "be on time or don't come to class," and at least two students got no credit on the term paper because they turned it in a day late. Both professors teach with the same quality but are different in their interactions with students. When evaluation time comes, students tend to give Dr. Weldon far lower marks because they dislike her, not because she is a bad teacher. This is an example of the __________ effect.



The correct answer is - This is an example of halo effect.


Halo effect is considered to be a cognitive bias in which we judge a person based on his behavior and character and make an impression in our mind about that person that the person is nice, good or bad.  

So it this case students have got a bad impression of Dr. Weldon because she does not accept late assignments, tells students "be on time or don't come to class," and at least two students got no credit on the term paper because they turned it in a day late.

So when evaluation time comes, students tend to give Dr. Weldon far lower marks because of the halo effect.


The Halo Effect.


She seems nicer, kids like her better. That's basically what it sums up to.

Hope this helps. :)