What is a rich fishing ground in the Atlantic ocean


Answer 1
Answer: A rich fishing ground in the Atlantic ocean is the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Look up a picture and you might be able to see how cold and warm water mix at the banks of Newfoundland. The banks are also very shallow so the water gets pushed up creating a very rich fishing ground.

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" Ablockade is an effort to cut off supplies, war material or communications from a particular area by force, either in part or totally. A blockade should not be confused with an embargo or sanctions, which are legal barriers to trade. It is also distinct from a siege in that a blockade is usually directed at an entire country or region, rather than a fortress or city. While most blockades historically took place at sea, blockade is still used on land to prevent someone coming into a certain area."

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According to the code Babylonian Society was structured around


 Best Answer:  One key thing to know when considering Hammurabi's "Code" is that it is NOT the first "law code" in Mesopotamian history. Rather, it stands in a line with a number of earlier Sumerian codes (though, unfortunately, these are not as completely preserved). 

Here are a handful of things this "Code" seem to reveal about Hammurabi and the society in which he lived: 

1) The fact that Hammurabi was following the pattern of several earlier (Sumerian) rulers in issuing this "code" suggests he was NOT trying to establish something brand new (even though the prologue brags a bit about his surpassing his predecessors). He saw himself as much like these earlier rulers, and was declaring his legitimacy and suitedness to rule -- since he was a good "shepherd" looking after his people. (This image, emphasized in H's "prologue" to the code, was a common Mesopotamian image for good rulers.) 

2) The fact that H. published it at the BEGINNING of his reign --those other rulers did so LATE in their rule-- suggests that the situation was very STABLE at the time. H did not have to spend a lot of time gaining control and fighting for reforms. 

3) The same stability & conservatism is suggested by the great SIMILARITY in the sort of principles expressed in the law in comparison with what we have (though incomplete) from the earlier laws (esp of Lipit-Ishtar). 

4) There WERE class distinctions that came into play. Thus, for instance, the penalty for injury to a slave would not be as severe as that to a social equal, let alone a superior. (The "eye for an eye" principle -- which is about making sure the punishment is suited to the crime [not excessive] NOT about "getting revenge" -- only actually applied if the parties were of equal social standing.) 

5) The legal system was not only stable but rather complex. The laws (like Lipit-Ishtar's) even reflect the more advanced idea of "tort" (that is, damages for an injured party when there is no evidence of criminal intent). All of this indicates a complex society with experienced leading classes (offiicals, priests, etc). 

6) The way the "code" is organized does not suggest an attempt at absolute, careful completeness -- it rather represents more a representative COLLECTION, perhaps of the way such cases had ALREADY been decided, in other words, more a "case law" approach, like the traditional British common law. This again points out the long, gradual and stable history of development... of Mesopotamian societies working out how to handle these matters. 

7) This structure as a not quite systematic collection is one reason some hesitate to call it a "law code" at all (and why I use the quotation marks!) More important than that, it is not clear that what we have was USED quite that way. The inscription was posted on a public obelisk -- which itself appears to be a "votive" object, that is, something set up to express devotion to a god (or gods)

A group of people who settle far from home but keep ties with their home country


Your answer is a colony. Hope this helped


The answer is a Colony.


it is a country that is controlled by a more powerful country. an example of that word used in a sentence is this,

"he was born in Algeria, a former colony of France."