How did the role of government in the economy change during the great depression?


Answer 1
Answer: In the United States, the role of government in the economy changed dramatically during the great depression since under FDR's New Deal, the government "stepped in" to help created jobs and other opportunities for suffering Americans. 

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How did immigration through Ellis Island differ from immigration through Angel Island?Angel Island had greater capacity and was more efficient, so immigrants moved more quickly.

Europeans came through Angel Island and were treated poorly because of bias toward them.

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The answer above is not correct. The correct answer is Europeans came through Ellis Island, received physicals, were interviewed, and were processed efficiently.


It is known fact. On Angel Island, Asian immigrants were threated badly. Immigrants from Europe came through E.I.

The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the first choice. Immigration through Ellis Island differ from immigration through Angel Island because Angel Island had greater capacity and was more efficient, so immigrants moved more quickly. I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!

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The answer is letter B. It highlighted the lack of respect the Qing dynasty had for non-Chinese products. The British sent two missions to the Qing dynasty in the hopes of increasing trade activities in China but both missions ended in failure.

What condition did Delaware and Rhode Island give for agreeing to attend the constitutional convention



1. Delaware wanted protection from attacks and more Economic opportunities which they lacked compared to other states.

2. Rhode island wanted the condition that a bill of rights be included.


1. Delaware's condition was based on their size and also the fact that they lacked economic opportunities. They believed that if the federal government was stronger, then they would be protected against attacks and also be more open to Economic opportunities like other states. They were the first to ratify this constitution

2. Rhode island decide to boycott because they couldn't trust a federal government that had so much powers at its disposal. They were the 13th state to ratify the constitution, but they had the condition that a bill of rights be included.

Final answer:

Delaware agreed to attend the constitutional convention if the new constitution ensured equal representation for each state. Rhode Island refused to attend, fearing a strong federal government would infrive on their rights.


The states of Delaware and Rhode Island had specific conditions for attending the constitutional convention. Delaware would only attend if the new constitution ensured equal representation for each state, regardless of size or population. This resulted in the establishment of the Senate, where each state is equally represented. Rhode Island, on the other hand, refused to attend the convention, fearing that a strong federal government would infringe on their state's rights. This shows the different perceptions and apprehensions states had about the formation of a central government.

Learn more about Constitutional convention here:


How did the arrival of homesteaders impact the american indians of the great plains?



The American Indians were pushed off their land and relocated to reservations.


The Nez Perce and some other tribes were coerced to give up their lands during the Walla Walla Council, in 1855. They were moved to a reservation in Oregon Territory which was called Umatilla Reservation.

The American Indians were pushed off their land and relocated to reservations.

King led an important protest against what on April 3, 1968?a. slavery
b. poverty
c. discrimination
d. starvation in India


King led an important protest against discrimination on April 3, 1968.

Further Explanations:

Renaissance was an era in European History that spanned somewhat between the 14th century and 17th century that advanced European middle age to modernity. The conceptual basis of the theory of Renaissance was its genre of Humanism obtained from the Roman concepts of Humanities and classical Greekphilosophy Protagoras. Protagoras stated that “man is the ration of all things” which became apparent in science, literate, politics and art, and architecture.

One of the most remarkable protestants of the Renaissance era was Martin Luther King, well known for his protest for civil rights through nonviolence and Civil disobedience movement. His Christian beliefs and ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi Were the reasons behind his non- violent protest. On 3rd April Martin Luther King addressed a rally in mason Temple, which was even his last speech. The very next day Martin was assassinated in his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. His death triggered the Civil right movement.

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Answer Details

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Topic:Martin Luther King

Keywords:Renaissance, European, History, Humanism, Roman concepts, Humanities, classical Greek, philosophy Protagoras. Protagoras, science, literate, politics and art, and architecture.

King led an important protest against discrimination on April 3, 1968.- - Answer: C