Cyrus the Great is remembered fordestroying the Persian Empire.
using fear to govern captive lands.
exploring the lands bordering the Mediterranean Sea.
founding the Persian Empire.


Answer 1
Answer: Cyrus the Great is remembered for founding the Persian Empire. At one point his empire spanned all the way to Eastern Europe, covering what would nowadays be Bulgarian and Macedonia. He is noted for providing successful governmental establishment and centralized administration, as well as his achievement in human rights, politics and military strategy.
Answer 2

founding the Persian Empire, just took the test.

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That's hard to say, but if Germany decided not to fight a two-front war, World War ll definitely would have continued for a longer period of time. Russia and Germany signed a Non-Aggression Pact in which they promised never to invade one another, but Hitler went back on his promise and sent troops to attack Russia. Big mistake. Despite studying Napoleon and his defeat in Russia, Hitler still decided to invade and was caught off guard by the Russian winter. Germany lost thousands of soldiers to illness and frostbite and exhausted all of their supplies and to top that off Germany suffered a huge loss at the Battle of Stalingrad and surrendered in 1943. If these events hadn't occurred, the probability of the Axis Powers winning WWll would have been much greater, or the Allied may not have won by such a large margin.

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a benefit they have is that the fact that they are in the middle of no where makes it so people don't want to attack or destroy them  the country itself generaly keeps to itself.

Final answer:

The desert surrounding Egypt benefits the country by providing a natural barrier against invasions, rich natural resources, and creates a unique, life-supporting ecosystem in the Nile valley.


Being surrounded by a desert has several key benefits for Egypt. Primarily it serves as a natural barrier against invasions, providing a level of protection that has proven invaluable throughout Egypt's long history. The harsh conditions of the desert make it difficult for enemy armies to cross and reach the populated areas of the country. This barrier effect helped preserve the unique culture and allows it to thrive in relative peace.

In addition to providing security, the deserts of Egypt are rich in natural resources. For example, the Western Desert is known for its oil and gas reserves, which are a central part of Egypt's economy.

Finally, Egypt's fertile Nile valley wouldn't exist without the surrounding desert. The contrast between the lush river valley and the arid desert creates a unique ecosystem that has allowed civilization to flourish in this region for thousands of years.

Learn more about benefits of Egypt's desert surroundings


Which of the following people lives a lifestyle most similar to the mongols lifestyle before the rise of genghis khanA Shepherd who moves his heards in search of fresh pasture
A blacksmith who caters exclusively to wealthy soldiers
A merchant who trades luxury goods from faraway places
A doctor who splits his time between a local hospital and a remote office


the people that lives a lifestyle most similar to the mongols lifestyle before the rise of genghis khan were: A Shepherd who moves his heards in search of fresh pasture befor the rise of Gengis Khan, Mongolian tribes travel from one place to another in the search for natural resources in order to sustain their living, similar with what the sheperd is doing


A Shepherd who moves his heads in search of fresh pasture.


The Mongols were nomadic people, which means they don't stay in one place long. They would move sporadically.

Which TWO forms of government found in the first half of the twentieth century are MOST alike?


Answer: Authoritarianism and totalitarianism

Totalitarian and authoritarian regimes are not equivalent, even though they do share many commonalities. Authoritarian regimes are those in which the power lies in the hands of a single actor. This could be a dictator, or a group of people, such as a junta. Their main purpose is controlling power. Totalitarian regimes, on the other hand, go much further, and they want to control all aspects of life, including the economy, art, science, private life and morality of citizens.

authoritarianism and totalitarianism

What was independent about Greece


they have their own strategies and inventions from hero Themistocles. Themistocles helped the Athens win the battle against the Persians .