A scientific ____ is a rule used to describe a pattern seen in nature, not an explanation of why that pattern might occur.a. theory
c. system
b. law
d. sequence


Answer 1
Answer: Its a scientific law

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A habitat is best describe as the place where the organisms live. When you say habitat it means, a place. Example. Corals is the habitat of the fishes. Forests is the habitat of the wild animals. 

The answer you are looking for is none other than A

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Describe how a named type of microorganism can be used to produce insulin on a commercial scale.



The development in the field of genetic engineering allowed the production of insulin in E. coli and yeast, which have been approved for therapeutic applications in human by FDA [14,15]. Nowadays, recombinant human insulin is mainly produced either in E. coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Answer: E.coli or Escherichia coli



1. Obtain the segment of DNA in a human chromosome that contains insulin gene. Cut the gene using a restriction enzyme. This enzyme cuts the restriction site at the two ends of the gene to produce sticky ends. Each sticky end is a single strand sequence of DNA bases. These bases can pair with complementary bases to form a double strand.
2.Obtain a plasmid from a bacterium. Cut the plasmid with same restriction enzyme. This produces 'sticky ends' complementary to the ends of the Insulin gene.
3. Mix the plasmid with the DNA segment containing the human insulin gene. The human insulin gene will bind to their sticky ends. Add the enzyme DNA ligase to seal the human plasmid containing DNA from two different organisms is recombinant plasmid
4. Mix the recombinant plasmid with E.coli bacterium. Apply temporary electric shock. This opens pores of cell surface membrane of the bacterium for the plasmid to enter.
5.The transgenic bacterium will use the new gene to make insulin

The insulin protein has to be extracted and purified before it can be used

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condensation is a process where liquid changes into a gaseous form also known as water vapour. It occurs in the atmosphere when the temperature rises.
Water is produce when glucose and fructose undergo a condensation process. The water is removed by the combination of hydrogen and a hydroxyl together. Glucose and Fructose forms a substance called glycosidic linkage. And hydrogen and hydroxyl is separated from glucose and fructose. When Hydrogen and hydroxyl is combined, they create H2o or water.