What effect can fertilizer runoff have on an aquatic ecosystem?a. increased plant growth leading to a decrease in fish populations
b. increased plant growth leading to an increase in fish populations
c. decreased plant growth leading to a decrease in fish populations
d. decreased plant growth leading to an increase in fish populations


Answer 1
Answer: a. increased plant growth leading to a decrease in fish populations. Fertilizer runoff degrades aquatic system by promoting growth of algae, phytoplanktons and other aquatic plants. A phenomenon called 'algal bloom' will take place, increasing oxygen consuming bacteria and lessening the available oxygen for plants and animals in the area.

Answer 2


it would be A


Fertilizer runoff degrades aquatic system by promoting growth of algae, phytoplanktons and other aquatic plants. A phenomenon called 'algal bloom' will take place, increasing oxygen consuming bacteria and lessening the available oxygen for plants and animals in the area.

i hope i hellped

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If you study biology, you should know that its goal is the study of life. So the answer is D.Measuring the rate of squirrel births in a woodland habitat

I believe the answer is: D.Measuring the rate of squirrel births in a woodland habitat

Biology comes from word "bios" which mean live and "logos" which mean study. Biology is science that study the living things. Star is not living things and it should be studied in astrology. Bank account also not living things, it should be studied in economy. Building also not living things, it should be studied in physics or engineering. Squirrel would be the only living things mentioned in the option.

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Without a pedigree chart, it is not possible to answer this question. However, given this is a HS bio class question, they are probably looking for the simplistic answer "A", zero percent, based on the erroneous notion that women cannot have hemophilia. Women carriers of a defective gene coding for hemophilia frequently do themselves have mild or moderate hemophilia and, in very rare cases, severe hemophilia.

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Having an unhappychildhood. This is because it is not a body problem or growth and developmentbut it is simply lies to being uncomfortable due to may be family conflicts,poverty, environmental factors leading to home displacement, natural calamitiesamong others. This has no biological impact towards early maturity of a girl. 

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Gravity acts on all objects in the universe.


the answer is a

Explanation:Gravity acts on all objects in the universe

If u have no white blood cells left, what does this mean?


White blood cells fight infections from bacteria, viruses, fungi. and other pathogens (organisms that cause infection). One important type of white blood cell is the neutrophil. These cells are made in bone marrow and travel in the blood throughout the body. They sense infections, gather at sites of infection, and destroy the pathogens.

When the body has too few neutrophils, the condition is called neutropenia. This makes it harder for the body to fight off pathogens. As a result the person is more likely to get sick from infections. In general, an adult who has fewer than 1,000 neutrophils in a microliter of blood has neutropenia.

If the neutrophil count is very low, (fewer than 500 neutrophils in a microliter of blood), it is called severe neutropenia. When the neutrophil count gets this low, even the bacteria normally living in a person's mouth, skin, and gut can cause serious infections.

White blood cells fight bacteria so, with no white blood cells you have a higher risk of infection and a low white blood call count can give you Leukopenia  and Neutropenia

What are the definition of DNA and RNA



DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid

RNA: Ribonucleic Acid

DNA has two strands

RNA has one