Why does Eteocles receive an honorable burial? a. He died defending Thebes against enemies.
b. His father had made arrangements for his body before his own death.
c. His treachery against the city was pardoned.
d. His sisters found and cared for his body.


Answer 1
Answer: the answer is a......i know i got it right
Answer 2


the answer is A

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down the street

Explanation: adverb

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write an essay on 200 words about video games & internet and modern technology addiction in your own words. Talk against the given topic.



In recent years, concerns have arisen about the potential addiction to video games, the internet, and modern technology. Although excessive use can lead to negative consequences, we must debunk the myth that these technologies inherently breed addiction.

Firstly, video games, the internet, and modern technology are not inherently addictive. Addiction is a complex psychological issue influenced by various factors, such as personal vulnerabilities and environmental triggers. Most individuals use these technologies without experiencing addiction, as they have the self-control to manage their usage responsibly. People must recognize that most users can engage with these technologies without succumbing to addiction. Therefore, people must emphasize the importance of responsible use and self-regulation as effective strategies to mitigate potential risks.

Secondly, these technologies offer numerous benefits. Video games can enhance cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and social interactions. The internet provides access to an abundance of information, educational resources, and opportunities for global communication. Modern technology has improved productivity, healthcare, and overall quality of life. Recognizing these advantages highlights the need for a balanced perspective that doesn't solely focus on potential drawbacks. It also acknowledges the tremendous contributions of video games, the internet, and modern technology to society.

Thirdly, addiction is not limited to technology. People can develop addictive behaviors related to a wide range of activities, from shopping to exercising excessively. Focusing solely on technology as a source of addiction oversimplifies the issue and neglects the broader context of addictive behaviors. By recognizing that addiction can emerge from many sources, we avoid unfairly singling out technology but encourage a more comprehensive and nuanced approach to addressing addiction in all its forms. This broader perspective helps us better understand and tackle the root causes of addictive behaviors to foster a healthier relationship with all aspects of our lives, including technology.

In conclusion, excessive use of video games, the internet, and modern technology can have negative consequences. However, we recognize that these technologies are not inherently addictive. Responsible usage, awareness of personal limits, and a balanced lifestyle can help individuals enjoy the benefits of technology without succumbing to addiction.

Reach out via proffrank01[at]gm ail. c om or discord (Username: proffrank01) for help with more assignments like this one.


Final answer:

The essay touches upon the topic of modern technology addiction. The technology's rapid evolution poses challenges in making informed societal decisions about its use. The discussion about the positive and negative impacts of technology's pervasive presence is vital.


The issue of modern technology addiction, such as regular use of video games, the internet, cell phones, and computers, raises concerns about our societal behaviors and thought processes. This concern is not something novel; it dates back to Socrates, who was apprehensive about the advent of writing technology and its potential negative effects on memory.

In today's context, the rate at which technology evolves outpaces human ability to adapt and react appropriately at a societal level. Technologies like our devices, GPS in vehicles, or household smart devices integrate seamlessly into our lives. However, most of us don't fully understand how they operate, which hinders our ability to make informed decisions about their fair and judicious use.

Ultimately, these concerns highlight the need for discussions on the positive and negative impacts of the pervasive presence of technology in our lives. While some may argue that technology significantly benefits our daily lives, others voice valid concerns about potential risks and overreliance.

Learn more about modern technology addiction here:



In the following sentence, what is the antecedent of the pronoun "it"? "the class members chose Chicago to visit because it provides the best opportunity for education and entertainment "


The pronoun and its antecedent refer to the same thing, so you need to know what the "it" refers to: it refers ti Chicago, so that's the antecedent and the correct answer.

The pronoun "it" refers to Chicago, so Chicago is the antecedent of "it".

What is the definition instrumentality?


The fact or quality of serving as an instrument or means to an end; agency.
a thing that serves as an instrument or means to an end.
the fact or quality of serving as an instrument or means to an end; agency