Consider the criticisms of interest groups. Which of the following would address one of the criticisms of interest groups?a. a requirement that members must contribute financially to the group
b. limiting their sphere of influence to the State level
c. a law establishing a limit on the amount of money that groups can spend each year
d. a law preventing them from providing information to government officials


Answer 1
Answer: Proposing "c. A law establishing a limit on the amount of money that groups can spend each year" would address one of the criticisms of interest groups, since groups with more money to spend tend to be "heard" more. 

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The best answer is 4. Infantry attack
I hope this helped
The answer is indeed 4.infantry attack.

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Ronald Reagan  believed that decreasing government, spending would eventually lead to economic growth  

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They where trying to spread territory , to make America a lot bigger by conquering many other lands .

I really hope that this helps you out , a lot.

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It is unfair for people to be known as property

Why didn’t the reforms made after President Garfield’s assassination completely reduce corruption nationwide? A. The reforms applied only to state governments. B. The reforms applied only to the federal government. C. The reforms applied only to city governments. D. The reforms applied only to city and state governments.


The correct answer is D, as the reforms applied only to the federal government.

President Garfield was murdered at the hands of a stalwart to whom he had denied a public position. After his death, the Pendleton Act was sanctioned in 1883, to establish the ways in which federal government officials would accede to their positions, based on merit rather than political affiliation.

But the Pendleton Act only applied to the federal government, so at the state and local level the corrupt designation practice by political affiliation continued to be used.

It only applied to government workers. It was called the pendleton act, btw, and was largely considered unsuccessful.