What is the purpose of filters in a data base


Answer 1
Answer: Filters let you filter out certain things or search for them. For example if i'm looking through a database with all the students grades. I could filter out everything that doesnt math a students name. This would only show results for what I searched for.

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It is called the desktop or case.
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I am too hard on myself sometimes.



"I tend to struggle with __________, because _______________.


For exanple:

"I tend to struggle with my anger, because I grew up in a harsh enviroment."


"A weakness of mine would be my self image. I was often bullied as a kid."

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The answer is self explanatory.  

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Q1: Think of a number that represents a piece of data in your life. Ex: Sally rode her bike 3 times in the past week.

Q2: Downloads represent different files so the computer can recognize them for their purpose like a video or image etc.

Q3: Well, depending on where you are buying the product from, they might need a web page, a networking site, and purchasing details.

Q4: If virtual reality becomes more commonly used, other device companies might start going out of business because of all the functions VR devices can perform (Games, videos, messaging, etc.).

Q5: Having one app that performs all the functions of several different apps would be hard to process and full of bugs. Plus, it would take up a lot of storage to download an app with all that software, and would run slowly.

:) hope this helps you hun  

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