The potential energy of a 40 kg cannon ball is 14000 J. How high was the cannon ball to have this much potential energy?


Answer 1

From the information given, cannon ball weighs 40 kg and has a potential energy of 14000 J.

 We need to find its height.

We will use the formula P.E = mgh

Therefore h = P.E / mg

where P.E is the potential energy,

 m is mass in kg,  

g is acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²)

 h is the height of the object's displacement in meters.

h = P.E. / mg

h = 14000 / 40 × 9.8

h = 14000 / 392

h = 35.7

Therefore the canon ball was 35.7 meters  high.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The height of the cannon ball to have 14000 J of potential energy is approximately 357.14 meters. This is calculated using the formula for potential energy: PE = mgh, and solving for 'h'.


The potential energy (PE) of an object is given by the formula PE = mgh, where 'm' is the mass of the object, 'g' is the acceleration due to gravity (standard approximate value is 9.8 m/s² on Earth), and 'h' is the height. In your question, we want to find the height 'h'. Given that the potential energy is 14000 J and the mass of the cannon ball is 40 kg, we can rearrange the formula to solve for 'h': h = PE / (m*g).

So, inputting the given values, h = 14000 J / (40 kg * 9.8 m/s²). Solving this, we find that the height is approximately 357.14 meters. This means the cannon ball was at around this height to have 14000 J of potential energy.

Learn more about Potential Energy here:


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Two spheres exert a gravitational attraction on each other. Which of the following changes to this system would reduce the gravitational attraction by one half?


- Decreasing one of the masses to 1/2 of its original value

- Increasing the distance by a factor of √(2)


There are no options provided, however we can still answer the question.

In fact, the magnitude of the gravitational force between two objects is given by  the equation:

F=G(m_1 m_2)/(r^2)


G=6.67\cdot 10^(-11) m^3 kg^(-1)s^(-2) is the gravitational constant

m1, m2 are the masses of the two objects

r is the separation between them

We notice that:

  • The gravitational force is proportional to the product between the masses
  • The gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the masses

Therefore, in order to reduce the gravitational attraction by one half, we can do one of the following changes:

- Decreasing one of the masses to 1/2 of its original value: for example, if m_1'=(1)/(2)m_1, the gravitational force becomes

F'=G(m_1' m_2)/(r^2)=G((1)/(2)m_1m_2)/(r^2)=(1)/(2)(G(m_1m_2)/(r^2))=(1)/(2)F

- Increasing the distance by a factor of √(2): in fact, if r'=√(2)r, the gravitational force becomes

F'=G(m_1 m_2)/(r'^2)=G(m_1m_2)/((√(2)r)^2)=(1)/(2)(G(m_1m_2)/(r^2))=(1)/(2)F

Learn more about gravitational force:


Q: What happens when cold air approaches a body of warm air? 


 Optional Answers:


   A. The Warm air rises.


  B. The warm and cold air both disappear.


  C. The warm and cold air mix immediately.


  D. The cold air rises. 


A. The warm air rises! Hope this helps
Answer a is correct.
Warm air rises.
EXAMPLE: when your cooking the hot air or warm air rises or moves upward.
Hope I helped.

This is an essay don't make it to long but please help its scienceSome constellations, such as ursa minor, are visible in the sky year round: other constellations appear for only part of the year. Explain why this happens?

A few sentences will do *3-4 sentences is perfect*



This is because of the different latitudes and the movement of the stars.


Some constellations can be seen throughout the year and others only at certain times. In addition to the appearance of the night sky changing throughout the year, it also depends on latitude, that is, the appearance of the sky at the same time is different at different latitudes. For example, you can see the Polar star in the northern hemisphere but you cannot see it in the southern hemisphere. Cruzeiro do Sul, seen in the southern hemisphere, is only seen in the northern hemisphere, close to the horizon, in the tropical region.

Another important difference between the two hemispheres is in the movement we observe for the stars over the course of a night as they revolve around the north celestial pole (in the northern hemisphere) clockwise and around the south celestial pole (in the southern hemisphere) in anticlockwise.

In astronomy circumpolar constellations are those ones which never set from viewer's perspective like ursa minor, cassiopiea etc.

Because of the rotation of the Earth and its orbit around the Sun, we divide the stars and constellations into two groups. Some stars and constellations never rise nor set, and they are called circumpolar. All the rest are divided into seasonal stars and constellations. Which stars and constellations will be circumpolar and which seasonal depends on your latitude. 

Summarize what you learned this week about the electromagnetic spectrumHINT: What is it? What does it organize? How do we use these EM waves in our lives?



I only really know the "How do we use these EM waves in our lives?" part srry


EM waves are used to make sure you cellphone, radio, TV, and etc. have service/ connection.

Electromagnetic spectrum consists of
Radio waves
Visible light
Gamma ray

We use these everyday in our life however they also have dangers.

Radio waves - their long wavelength allows them to help with communication
Danger - exposure to a lot of radio waves can cause cancer or leukaemia

Microwaves - used for heating up food and transferring heat to the food.
Dangers - exposure can cause cancers and other diseases.

Infrared - can be used for remote controls and security cameras.
Danger - can cause damage to the cornea in your eye

Visible light - used for photography and optical fibres.
Danger - intense sources can cause permanent or temporary damage to the eyesight.

Ultraviolet - can be used to sterilise food and sterilise surgical equipment.
Danger - can cause skin damage and may lead to a cancer.

X-rays - used to see the internal structure of tissues and bones.
Dangers - can lead to mutations and May damage the cells

Gamma- can be used to sterilise food and surgical equipment and kill microorganisms and other bacteria.
Dangers - May reach your cells and cause cancer and cell mutations which could result in mutations.

Is movements of ocean currents mainly caused by the moon


Surface currents, are driven primarily by winds. Deep ocean currents are driven by density differences between water locations. The Moon's gravity actually pulls Earth's water towards it. Wherever the moon is, as it orbits the Earth, there is a high tide 'bulge' that stays lined up with the Moon. The side of the Earth that is furthest from the Moon also has a high tide 'bulge'. This is because the Earth is closer to the moon than the water on its far side. The Moon's gravity pulls more on the planet than the water on the opposite side. These two water bulges on opposite sides of the Earth aligned with the Moon are the high tides. The strong gravitational fields of the Moon result in changing gravitational fields causing tides to rise and fall.

Which action will result in a product with new chemical properties?A. shredding a newspaper

B. breaking a mirror

C. cutting wood

D. popping popcorn

Thanks :)


Popping popcorn action will result in a product with new chemical properties, therefore the correct answer for the given problem is option D.

What is a chemical reaction?

In a chemical reaction, one or more components referred to as reactants—are changed into one or more other substances—also referred to as byproducts.

A chemical reaction rearranges the constituent atoms of the reactants to create different substances as products.

The energy of the reactant is greater than the energy of the product because the extra energy is released during an exothermic reaction.

Popcorn would be the best choice since it would transform the pre-popped kernels into something else whereas the other options would merely change their outward look.

Thus, popping popcorn action will result in a product with new chemical properties, therefore the correct answer for the given problem is option D

Learn more about chemical reactions here,refer to the link ;


the answer would be popping popcorn because while you are changing the physical appearance in the rest of the choices only popping the popcorn would turn the prepopped kernels into something else