What was the longest-lasting effect of the losses in World War II?


Answer 1
All the illnesses that are being passed done generations. Like cancer from all the chemicals and radiation. Or the PTSD that is passed down with the generations. There are a lot of illnesses that can be talked about.

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What did the Aryans introduce to Indian civilization?


Aryans introduce elements of Indian culture like language, religion, a social structure, horse and chariot racing, and combat sports.

Around 1500 BCE, the Aryans travelled from Central Asia to India. Small herding and farming villages were established by them in northern India's Indus Valley and Ganges Plain. Trade and rivalry increased as a result of this agricultural expansion.

According to some researchers, the Aryans used advanced military technologies like the war chariot to overthrow an already battered Indus Valley civilization.

Language: The Aryans spoke Sanskrit, an Indo-European language that has impacted many contemporary tongues, including English.

Religious convictions: The polytheistic Aryans introduced their own religious ideals to India.

Social structure: The Aryans brought their own caste-based social structure to India.

Chariot and horse racing: The Aryans introduced horses to ancient India and took pleasure in chariot competition.

As a result, the significance of the Aryans introduce to Indian civilization are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on civilization, here:



The aryans broght a completely new language and belief system to India.We see a dramatic discontinuity between the Indus valley civilization(4000BC-2000BC) which buried its dead and had a script which is still not deciphered and the vedic period which spoke sanskrit(the world's oldest indo European language) and cremated their dead. 
They also brought in the caste system (though this is political dynamite in India so you are advised to avoid this topic ) as well as vedic gods and practices and concepts such as transmigration of the soul,reincarnation etc which are still the pillars on which all dharmic faiths of India are built on and then later spread to the rest of Asia via Buddhism.

What effect did the chinese exclusion act and the gentleman's agreement have on immigration?


The main effect that the Chinese exclusion act and the gentleman's agreement had on immigration was that Chinese immigration (and immigration from Asia in general) was highly limited to the US. 

What accomplishment is Sequoya known for?Select the best answer from the choices provided.
A. negotiating a treaty that allowed the Cherokee to keep their land
B. founding the first Cherokee-language Christian church
C. filing a lawsuit on behalf of the Cherokee to keep their land
D. developing a system of writing the Cherokee language


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "A. negotiating a treaty that allowed the Cherokee to keep their land" The accomplishment that is Sequoya known for is that negotiating a treaty that allowed the Cherokee to keep their land


the answer would be A


sorry I'm a bit late

What are two causes and two effects for Christian humanism spreading in Northern Europe in 1450?


Cause: The translation of the Bible from Latin into German and Dutch andSkandinavian languages.

Effect: Birth of Protestantism (split with Rome)


Cause: The idea of enlightenment was spreading.

Effect: Governments became less and less focused on religion


I am hoping that these answershave satisfied your queries and it will be able to help you in your endeavors, andif you would like, feel free to ask another question.


The two causes for Christian humanism are: first, the trade with the Mediterranean and the exchange of culture and information, and, second, the ascention of the bourgeoisie. The two effects are: the  investment in arts and increasing social concer of the church.


why did president Roosevelt and prime minister Churchill want to create the Declaration on liberated Europe


 President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill wanted to create the Declaration on Liberated Europe which was expressed in a sentence "the right of all people to choose the form of government under which they will live." due to preserve European countries (mainly Poland) from the taking over by Stalin

Final answer:

President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill wanted to create the Declaration on Liberated Europe to establish their vision for the postwar world and ensure the restoration of self-determination and self-government.


President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill wanted to create the Declaration on Liberated Europe in order to establish their vision for the postwar world and ensure the restoration of self-determination and self-government in the liberated countries. They aimed to replace the old British imperial system with one based on free trade and decolonization, and to lay the foundation for a peaceful and democratic Europe. The declaration also reaffirmed the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany and outlined the division of Germany and Berlin into occupied zones.

Learn more about Declaration on Liberated Europe


When the United States’ use of military force is successful in maintaining national security, the United States is able to


When the united states' use of military force is successful in maintaining national security, the United States is able to focus on improving the occupied countries,

The military did this in order to prevent the future threat from happening. So after they're successful in maintaining national security, they will try to fix the root of the problems while still maintaining the peace pact.
When the United States’ use of military force is successful in maintaining national security, the United States is able to remove themselves from the occupied countries, as the military power is hugely used to defend the territory. It can prevent and even end invasion, conquest, and subjugation.
Other Questions
1. When New Orleans was drained of water and levees were built to keep new water from coming in, what happened to the elevation of New Orleans over time?a. The elevation of New Orleans moved upwards b. The elevation of New Orleans stayed the same c. The elevation of New Orleans moved downwards 2. Which two closest bodies of water does New Orleans sit between and below according to the film? a. Mississippi River & Lake Ponchartrain b. Mississippi River & The Gulf of Mexico c. Lake Ponchartrain & Lake Borgne d. Lake Ponchartrain & The Gulf of Mexico e. Mississippi River & the Atlantic Ocean 3. What happens to soil when it has been drained of water? a. The soil expands. b. The soil shrinks 4. When New Orleans was drained of water and levees were built to keep new water from coming in, what happened to the elevation of New Orleans over time? a. The elevation of New Orleans moved upwards b. The elevation of New Orleans stayed the same c. The elevation of New Orleans moved downwards 5. How have the wetlands where the Mississippi River enters into the Gulf of Mexico been reduced in size? a. Sediment starvation due to construction of levees b. Too much sediment due to destruction of levees c. Sediment starvation due to destruction of levees d. Too much sediment due to construction of levees 6.Why does the reduction of wetlands along the Gulf Coast put New Orleans at greater risk from storm surge? Choose the best answer: a. Wetlands block hurricane winds b. Wetlands soak up water, thereby lowering the surge level c. Wetlands actually increase storm surge, so a reduction would actually benefit New Orleans in the long run 7.At what elevation does Africa Brumfield’s home in New Orleans sit at? At what elevation does Lisa Monti’s home in Bay St. Louis sit at? a. 4 feet above sea level/20 feet below sea level b. 12 feet above sea level/20 feet below sea level c. 10 feet below sea level/4 feet above sea level d. 12 feet below sea level/20 feet above sea level 8. Why did the levy’s fail at the lower 9th ward? a. Overtopping b. Undermining 9.Why did the levy fail at the 17th Street and London Avenue canals? a. Overtopping b. Undermining 10. Of the choices given below, which one is one of the proposed ideas given at the end of the film to prevent a disaster like Katrina from happening in the future in New Orleans? a. Let the Mississippi River run wild once again – Remove the levees b. Reduce our carbon footprint to prevent global warming from raising sea level c. Build a large sea wall where the wetlands were once located d. Put homes on larger foundations so that they will sit higher than any potential flood waters