What best defines a Chancellor?the Russian head of state
forming a mutual agreement between two nations
Otto von Bismarck of Germany


Answer 1
Answer: What best defines a Chancellor is Otto von Bismarck of Germany. Bismarck was the first chancellor of Germany. A chancellor is defined as "a title of various official positions in the government of many nations." It can be used for the following: a head of government, a person in charge of foreign affairs, a person with duties related to social justice, a person in charge of financial and economic issues and the head of a university.
Answer 2


3 Otto von Bismarck of Germany


Just did the assignment

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No, it is false that in Russia, when Nicholas II began his rule in 1894, he was determined to enact reforms that would put a share of power in the hands of the people, since in fact it was a lack of any such reforms that helped lead to his removal and execution. 

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hope this helps.

Move into very small and disgusting ghettos for later transport to death camps

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