A(n) _____ can be defined as a group of people who are singled out and treated unequally because of physical characteristics or cultural practices.a. activist group
c. social groups
b. minority groups
d. racial groups


Answer 1
Answer: A(n) b)minority group can be defined as a group of people who are singled out and treated unequally because of physical characteristics or cultural practices. Minority group can be best defined as "a term referring to a category of people differentiated from the social majority, i.e. those who hold the majority of positions of social power in a society, and may be defined by law."
Answer 2
Answer: b. minority groups. Minorities have been singled out since the beginning of time.

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How, and in what ways, did european painting and literature reflect the disillusionment in society between 1919 and 1939? support your answer with specific artistic or literary examples that we looked at in the lecture. consider the works of kafka, spengler, remarque, joyce, woolf, grosz, hoch, dix, and dali when crafting your answer?


WWI hugely affected European writing and workmanship in the vicinity of 1919 and 1939. WWI had left Europe in monetary vestiges and wretchedness, and a feeling of disappointment emerged. The bafflement of Europe is communicated well in the Dadaism and Surrealism craftsmanship developments and the continuous flow artistic system since they utilize Freudian brain research to show the facts in the public arena. 

The Dadaism craftsmanship development started after WWI to show how life and workmanship were pointless by utilizing unreasonable subjects. The work of art created exceptionally dynamic pictures and assaulted all other artistic expressions, however it reflected the day and age well. Alongside Surrealism, each centered around fusing Freudian brain science into the artistic creation. Numerous works of art were dreams of dreamlike universes as dali Salvador's "Transformation of Narcissus." These craftsmanship developments showed Freudian brain research into a visual portrayal, which mirrored the day and age well. Moreover, a peace development in craftsmanship started with Picasso's "Guernica." It demonstrated the bleeding truth that war was unpleasant and an executioner on society. Consequently, the workmanship developments in the vicinity of 1919 and 1939 express reality and frustration of Europe through Freudian brain science, which demonstrates that Europe was in destruction after WWI.

Victorian conduct was based on the principle that a person should use any means—honest or not—to achieve success. a. True
b. False


True, go big or go home was often thought of that time ex.. their hair and make up style

Who was the audience for President Johnson's speech The American Promise?a. the democratic and republican delegates
b. the state representatives
c. the Joint Chiefs of Staff
d. the Congress and the American people



The answer is d.


At the beginning of his speech, President Johnson addresses members of both parties of congress as well as the American People of all race and colour. The issues he spoke about ranged from individual freedom, to the right to vote and democracy. The speech was broadcasted in national television, thus allowing millions of American citizens to hear the speech.

the answer to your question is
B. the state representatives

The American coffee shop in the picture above, located in China, is an example of the __________ of culture.a. specialization
b. intermodality
c. Westernization
d. diversity


Assuming that it's an original coffee shop from America, since you provide no picture

The answer would be : Westernization of Culture

Westernization refer to a non western societies which adopt western culture through media or a product.
Other example of westernization through product is American fast food joint such as McDonalds or Wendys that exist in Asian countries

A newly elected president faces a Senate controlled by the opposition party. Which of the following presidential appointments is the most likely to encounter difficulty with confirmation by the Senate?1. Secretary of defence2. Supreme court justice3. Ambassador to Germany



The answer is "Supreme Court justice".


The Senate is a method, that includes the State senate. It allows you to vote on laws. In certain cases, each of these parties must decide on the proposed law and must be enacted into law before it's a law. The president has many rights, in which he has the right to appoint Supreme Court judges, and certain alternative was wrong, which can be described as follows:

  • In option 1, It is part of the defence.
  • In option 3, It represents the state of Germany, that's why it is wrong.

In the context of entrepreneurial orientation, an organization with a tendency of _____ grants individuals and teams the freedom to exercise their creativity, champion promising ideas, and carry them through to completion.



risk taking


The entrepreneurs who take risk in their work are more successful and give better results. The risk taking entrepreneurs gives freedom and space to their teams and employees to exercise their creativity and to create idea that are promising and possible and they make them carry to completion.

Thus the answer is

"risk taking".

Other Questions
2 Probably not, yet the work of Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, may have the mostprofound impact of all. Why is his name unknown to most of the world? The answer lies in the type of life hehas chosen to lead and the role he has chosen to play in helping to guide this emerging technology.3 If you were in a time machine and could travel back to 1960s London, you might find young TimBerners-Lee busily constructing make-believe computers out of cardboard boxes or playing mathematicalgames with his parents at their kitchen table. Tim is fascinated by the world around him. His natural curiosityattracts him to a dusty Victorian-era encyclopedia he finds in his house; its mysterious title, Enquire WithinUpon Everything, will stay with him for years to come.4 Fast-forward to 2001. Over 250 million people are using the Internet, a system virtually unheard of10 years earlier, and Tim Berners-Lee is largely responsible. How could one person make it all happen?5 For some clues, let’s go back to Tim’s early adulthood. Tim was especially interested in two things:computers and how the human brain organizes and links information. He wondered how the mind canalmost randomly connect so many different facts. For instance, how can a song or a scent mentally link oreven transport someone to another time and place? Tim was so fascinated by computers that, beforegraduating from the University of Oxford, he built his very first one from a kit using a television and an earlymicroprocessor.6 In 1980, after graduating with a degree in physics, Tim went to work as a software engineer for anorganization in Geneva, Switzerland. His job required a lot of research. He communicated with people all overthe world and he was constantly answering the same questions over and over. He was frustrated by howpoorly his mind could remember all of the reports and data he needed. He wished there were a way otherpeople could simply access his data and he could access theirs via computer no matter where they werelocated.7 Tim wrote a software program to help him keep track of important documents and, using a series oflinks (hypertext), he connected them together much like an index does in a book. He named the programEnquire after the book he loved as a child. In its original form, Enquire was capable of storing informationand connecting documents electronically, but it could only access information on a single computer.8 In 1989, Tim took a giant step towards his vision of a global system where documents could be linkedvia hypertext to the Internet, allowing people worldwide to easily share and link information. After muchthought, he called his project the World Wide Web. Many people thought that connecting documents storedin individual computers around the world was impossible.9 And even if it were possible, few of his fellow scientists thought it would ever become popular.Lesson 4©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is not permitted.L4: Analyzing Interactions in a Text 33Part 5: Common Core Practice10 Tim was not discouraged. Working with a few colleagues who supported his vision, he developed thefour critical foundations of the Web: The language for coding documents (HTML); the hypertext system forlinking documents (HTTP); the system for locating documents on the Web (URL); the first graphical userinterface (Internet browser). In 1991, the Web was launched and almost immediately, the Internet took off.11 Although he has had many opportunities to do so, Tim has not profited from his creation. . . . [He]works for a non-profit organization located at M.I.T., a leading engineering university. Married with twochildren, Tim leads a good life, one that is full of professional challenges. He is pleased with the road he choseto follow. Today, he helps set standards and guides the Web’s future, so he can be assured that it will remainopen to all and not be splintered into many parts or dominated by one corporation. However, like Einstein,who was concerned with his role in the development of nuclear power, Tim believes that technology can beused for good or for evil. “At the end of the day,” Tim says, “it is up to us: how we actually react, and howwe teach our children, and the values we instill.” To this day, Tim Berners-Lee works hard to see that thetechnology he invented remains accessible to all people around the globe. That, rather than instant wealth, ishis reward. Based on the biography, explain how Tim Berners-Lee's early childhood interests influenced the path he chose as an adult. Use at least TWO details from the text to support your answer.Describe what influence this idea had on Tim Berners-Lee's approach to writing new programs that operate computers. Use at least TWO details from the biography to support your answer.