Which of the following conflicts is associated with a tragic flaw?a. character vs. self
b. character vs. character
c. character vs. nature
d. character vs. society


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is A, character vs. self. Because a character is doomed to a tragic life/death because of his/her own character, virtues or flaws that bring about their demise. 

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One reason the colonists had difficulty coming together to revolt against Britain is because they:


complex mythology has beenbuilt up around the American Revolution: it is a national story of greatsignificance to the way the United States views itself. But the mythologyis just that - a mythology. Contrary to the picture presented in Americanprimary schools, the Americans were not a separate, turkey-eating people,subjugated by the cruel, tyrannical and essentially foreign British.In fact, many colonists thought of themselves as British. Historians acceptthat the American Revolution had a wide variety of motives and causes: theseincluded slightly differing political traditions, the economic interestsof both parties, the trading interests of those directly or indirectly involvedin transatlantic commerce, the large debt Britain had accumulated in thewake of the Seven Years War, and a fair amount of mutual misunderstandingas well.

The British colonies had been around for 150 years in the1760s - Virginia was the first to be founded in 1606. By 1763 a sizablespread of land had been carved out for Britain, and the colonies were prospering.Most importantly, the Seven Years War had just finished, leading to a completewithdrawal from the American mainland on the part of France, and, for theSpanish, losses of all but a rump of formerly French holdings west of Florida.The two great territorial rivals of the British colonies had been removedas a threat. The future looked bright and secure for the Americans, withthe prospect of unlimited westward expansion held back only by the Britishresponse to Indian raids, the Proclamation Line along the Appalachians whichprevented further settlement of the continent's interior.

The 13 mainland colonies between South Carolina and Maine,in particular, had grown from British settlements established for trade andprestige, highly dependent on the motherland, into semi-autonomous states.The 10 other colonies were in a very different situation, with small whitepopulations almost exclusively growing sugar for sale to Britain in the Caribbeancolonies, a very limited population with underdeveloped civil governmentcollected in small areas of Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia little more thana military outpost.[1] It is no accident that it was the aforementioned 13 colonies[2] thatrebelled so yeah

Which of the following is a complex sentence? A. As Jake was reading the letter from June yet again, the flight attendant coughed gently to get his attention. B. I simply cannot make heads or tails of rap lyrics, but I suppose I'm just too old to understand them. C. Check out the editorial page in today's paper and you'll notice the piece by Oscar Lewis. D. I would like to visit the Kinshasa, but I understand the city is unsafe for foreigners.


The correct answer here is A. A complex sentence must contain both an independent clause and a dependent clause. The only sentence that fits this category would be 'As Jake was reading the letter from June yet again, the flight attendant coughed gently to get his attention.'

You are creating a Public Service Announcement warning the general public about the dangers of wildfires and fire safety. Describe how you might use each of the three types of appeals to get your message across


Logos - Describe how wildfires affect an environment by using scientific knowledge and reasoning. State how fires release harmful chemicals into the air etc (Fear Appeal)

Pathos - Describe how fires have stolen thousands of life's. This triggers an emotional response from the audience by the need to protect their own family (Personal Appeal)

Ethos - Those who care for the environment are the best. Make people join the movement in protecting the enivoremnt and saving life's by being more safer with fires and handling them. (Social appeal / bandwagon)

Defend a teen's choice to choose abstinence versus sexual activity. In your defense, include at least five facts. USE COMPLETE SENTENCES AND INCLUDE FIVE DIFFERENT ANSWERS.


Defend a teen's choice to choose abstinence versus sexual activity.

Answer: I believe that a teens choice to be abstinent versus be sexualy active is the right thing to do. Why, well simply because it is up to him whether or not he wants it that way. The only thing that I would make sure that the teen does is to conduct research or provide him with factual information about the subject so that before making a decision he dies it knowing fully well the causes and effects.

I hope it helps, Regards.

Final answer:

There are several reasons why a teen may choose abstinence over sexual activity: preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, personal values and beliefs, focusing on other aspects of life, emotional and mental well-being, and building strong relationships.


There are several reasons why a teen may choose abstinence over sexual activity:

  1. Preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections: Abstinence is the only 100% effective method of preventing these risks.
  2. Personal values and beliefs: Some teens may choose abstinence based on their cultural, religious, or personal values.
  3. Focus on other aspects of life: Teens may decide to prioritize their education, career goals, or personal growth instead of engaging in sexual activity.
  4. Emotional and mental well-being: Abstinence can help avoid the potential emotional and mental consequences that can come with sexual activity.
  5. Building strong relationships: Abstinence allows teens to establish strong emotional connections and develop trust with their partners before engaging in sexual activity.

Learn more about Reasons for choosing abstinence here:



Describe how revolutionary-era literature differed from the literature produced by the puritans


The Puritans generally wrote about religion, their experiences with other religions, and some other things, while revolutionary- era literature was more about freedom and opportunity.


Revolution literature spun more about reaching understanding ideas (such as human rights, government power, etc.). Puritan literature was intended to make people (religious or not) open their eyes to the world of crime and to deliver God more relevant in your normal life and make God more comprehensible.

The Puritans generally wrote about religion, their experiences with other religions, and some other things, while revolutionary- era literature was more about freedom and opportunity.

Instructions: Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.Match each sentence to the type of verbal it contains.
present participle ----->
infinitive ----->
past participle----->
gerund ----->

A.) Emma loves to spend time with her close friends and family.
B.) Writing gives Ethan tremendous peace of mind.
C.) Alice received a dancing doll as a present from her parents.
D.) Jenny finally got rid of the hideous old rotten eggs.


Answer:    The correct answer is :

Present participle ______ C

Infinitive _________ A

Past participle ________ D

Gerund _________ B

Explanation:  Present participle: It is the form of the verb that ends in ing

Infinitive: The infinitive is a form of verb that is not limited by time and expresses the action

Past participle: It is the form of the verb that ends in ado, gone. In the regular verbs it is formed just like the past, adding ed or d and in the irregular verbs it is equal to the past.

Gerundio: It is a verb that has no number, person or time. Indicates action.

present participle -----> C
infinitive -----> A
past participle-----> D
gerund -----> B