Which literary device is employed in the following sentence from Herman Melville’s short story "Bartleby, the Scrivener"? And here Bartleby makes his home, sole spectator of a solitude which he has seen all populous—a sort of innocent and transformed Marius brooding among the ruins of Carthage!. which literary device is employed in the following sentence ?a.allegory


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is C, 'allusion'. Because that word means to reference another story, or something in history, the real world. In this passage, it is referred to Marius, a Roman general and statesman. 
Answer 2
Answer: The answer is C: allusion

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Suppose you encounter an unfamiliar word as you're reading. One way to figure out the meaning of this word is to?


One way to figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word is to know how it is used in the sentence it is part of. If you understand the context of the sentence then its meaning can be inferred from the sentence usage.

It is also better to look it up in the dictionary to further know the meaning of the word, its etymology, and usage. This is to support your initial understanding of the unfamiliar word as part of the sentence you have read. 
If you encounter an unfamiliar word while reading, you can find the meaning of this word by looking for context clues. Look around the word to find words that may be related to that word. 

Example:-   I do not know what Mortified means. 

Mary was mortified because she did not do her homework, and everyone else did.

It seems that mortified means 'embarrassed' or 'shameful' because that is how I would of felt if I was the only person who never did not hw. 

In "A Vindication of the Rights of Women" who declares that women should not be allowed to feel independent


Mary Wollstonecraft is the correct answer

How to write a good story in board examinations???


maybe you could do a plan before-hand for example, a mind map.

you could generate a random word and link whatever thoughts/feelings/colours/experiences etc. that they make you think of, then gather them into a story.

or, take inspiration from music, art or films.

when writing, start with a grabbing intro, then go into a descriptive plot, and finally a ending (this could also be a cliff hanger) quality and quantity of writing is important, also remember to paragraph.

remember to use a wide range of grammar, techniques and vocabulary for the best grades (this could be emotive language, ellipsis, alliteration, red herrings etc.)

hope this helps :)

Could you please tell me the main idea about this poem?Thank you very much
The Body In Old Age

It travels in ways unenvisaged
Not vigorously along corridors
or from task to task but

by a kind of untrammeled liberty:
Let things fall as they will
might be its mute speech.

As whiskers and hang nails,parts
growing to absurd lengths and
inconsiderate boldness.Is this

not a kind of exploring?Knowing
it need not hold itself in
and cannot.Become one

with whatever it can claim:falling
ever,clutching at straws
all acts that seem,for once,boundary-less.


Just telling in advance, English is not my forte, lol. I'm a math person. :-)

Anyways, what I'm inferring from the poem is this:

The human body, of course, gets older, but usually the mind of an older person is coherent and wise. Yet, the older body has its own "conscientiousness". A consciousness that understands the body's frailty but knows that it can still accomplish tasks it had once before; these tasks are achieved with the patience of a mule but with the intensity of a lion. Rushing or hastening seem to be incomprehensible... Still, the aged body knows more than it begets. Life happens all around yet there isn't a desire to change what happens. Wisdom and experience has seeped in over the years... Aging... An invaluable awareness that affects everything alive wins in the end over the aged body. Nails, hair, and skincare become obsolete. The old body, free from constraints, expresses the validity of its existence with boldness and courage. The wrinked skin and gray hair, impossible to avoid, but difficult to obtain, outshines the youth the body once had. For once, and only once, boundaries don't exist... Only the hope of sharing the struggles and victories that occur in a lifetime, the experiences unique to the aged body... The hope that the aged body can bestow unto others the gloriousness of the aged body.

Hope that helped. Good luck.

Nationalism is to pride in one's national identity as a _______ is to a group of people who share a common identity, a sense of unity, and a desire for self-government.A. region
B. country
C. state
D. nation


NationNation is group of people living together with a national integrity and principles like libery ,equality and fraternity