Cactus spines are modified.

1.) Leaves
2.) Stems
3.) Branches


Answer 1

Answer: The correct answer is 1) leaves.

Cactus is a desert plant that possesses thick, enlarged, and leafless stems that are covered with sharp spines or spikes. These sharp cactus spines are the modified leaves that provide them an extra advantage for surviving in desert.

Cactus spines provide protection against predator (as they are very sharp) and prevent the loss of water by reducing the flow of air near the cactus and giving them some shade.

Answer 2
Answer: Cactus spines are modified 1) LEAVES.

Cactus spines occur in clusters in the axil of leaves. Cactus spines are also known as modified bud scales, which also are modified leaves. The spine primordia is produced at the base of the axillary bud's shoot apical meristem; the location where leaf primordia also grows.

Though cactus spines are modified leaves, they do not contain any of the cells or tissues characteristics of leaves when they mature. Cactus spines consist of just a core of fibers surrounded by sclereid-like epidermis cells. When the spines mature, all the cells in the spines are dead. The only living cells are found at the base of the cactus which enables the spine to continue growing.

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Ody 2021

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3. Campaign 1553-1555, in this campaign against the Shah he lost and recovered Erzum, and kept Baghdad and Lower Mesopotamia.

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I hope this helps, Regards.

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(hope this helps ^^)


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The answer is B. Lungs and kidneys