Roundworms have mechanoreceptors called _____ on external bristles.A. tentacles
B. setae
C. nephridia
D. whiskers


Answer 1
Answer: In the sentence "Roundworms have mechanoreceptors called _____ on external bristles", the word that correctly completes the sentence is B. setae. Roundworms or nematodes are a diverse animal phylum. The main sense organs of roundowrms are setae, papillae, and amphids. They use setae as mechanoreceptors to detect motion.
Answer 2
Answer: setae is the right answer

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How do I do an acrostic poem for "DNA Replication?" it has to be full sentences...


acrostics have sentences following each beginning letter that coincide with it.
this is how you would do it
D- write sentence relating to DNA replication
N-write your sentence relating to DNA replication
Get creative!
i hope this helped!!


It would look like this:


DNA is the buiding block of life

No one can live without it

Along side its sister, rNA that harlet

(idk if you need to include the replication part but here you go)

Replicating with any old DNA sequence

Everyone agrees however, that

People need her for living

Little old rNA sticks around another day

Initiating protien synthesis with DNA after DNA

Carrying information and storing code

A virus may invade a cell

To infect it with its kin

In the end it may prevail

Or perhaps be fended off and killed

No matter what, rna will be there, doing its thang.

What's protein synthesis?


It's basically when the Amino Acids are put into proteins! (arranged that way!) Help is with the RNA  
in simple words it is the process in which proteins are formed...
in this process amino acids attach in a linear manner to each other and combine to form proteins ,,,,
this process occurs in two steps
1 transcription
2 translation
mRNA,tRNA and rRNA helps to carry out this process,,,

Can animals see in the dark better than humans?


Yes. Because their eyes give light they do. Just joking. Eyes reflecting is from other light sources. But they do have better night vision. Most of nocturnal animals have bigger eyes or pupils, which make it easier to catch up environmental light.

Which substance damaged bird life until it was largely banned in the 1970s?CO2


The substance, DDT, damages a bird life until it was largely ban in the 1970s. DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is a colorless, tasteless, odorless, and crystalline organochloride known for its insecticide properties.
DDT is the best answer ☺

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Metabolic rate is also affected by the: proportion of muscle to fat in the body. amount of exercise and other physical activity.Age and gender also.

Which of these is NOT an example of biting and chewing insect?(A)


(B) Grasshopper



(D) Termite




C aphid is the answer for that question


