Eukaryotic cells do not reproduce through binary fission. Instead they reproduce through a process calledA. secondary fission.
B. apoptosis.
C. tertiary fusion.
D. mitosis.


Answer 1
Answer: Eukaryotic cells do not reproduce through binary fission but through a process called D. mitosis. Mitosis is a type of cell division characteristic for eukaryotic cells. It results in two daughter cells identical to the mother cell. However, binary fission in prokaryotes and mitosis in eukaryotes are very similar processes.

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The faction of Islam controlled the Ottoman Empire and the faction controlled the Safavid Dynasty.


The Safavid Ottoman war occurred in 1532-1555 and was caused by the territorial dispute of the Ottoman Emperor Suleyman the Magnificent and the Persian Safavid Empire during the reign of Tahmasp I who ordered to kill the governor of Baghdad that was a sympathizer of Soliman.

The attacks were made in three campaigns:
1. Campaign of the Two Iraqs 1532-1534 where the Ottomans successfully attacked the Safavid Iraq.2. Campaign from 1548 to 1549 where an alliance between King Franco and Soliman I was made to conquer Armenia.
3. Campaign 1553-1555, in this campaign against the Shah he lost and recovered Erzum, and kept Baghdad and Lower Mesopotamia.

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I hope this helps, Regards.

How does a diaphragm prevent pregnancy Select one of the options below as your answer:a. It releases spermicide into the uterus to keep sperm from fertilizing eggs.
b. It produces hormones that keep a woman's ovaries from releasing eggs.
c. It covers the penis to keep it from releasing sperm into the vagina.
d. It blocks the cervix in order to keep sperm from entering the uterus


Answer: D) It blocks the cervix in order to keep sperm from entering the uterus

A diaphragm is a form of birth control which is a cup shaped in structure and is made up of  soft silicone, it is bent and inserted into vagina to cover cervix.

It act as a barrier that covers cervix and try to stop sperm from joining the egg in order to prevent fertilization.

The ansewr is D because it blocks the cervix in order to keep sperm from entering the uterus

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[] Question #7 

Most insects have small holes in the exoskeleton called _____, which open and close to regulate air flow. 
>> spiracles 
the answer to your question is spiracles

Give one example of why a bird's beak is designed especially for the type of food it eats.



the gallapagos island is the best example because there are several different types of birds that all ave different beak types. one eats nuts, whereas another has a long beak so it can eat out of trees.


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A food web shows many organisms eating more than one type of food.
A food web shows the transfer of energy from producer through to tertiary consumer.
A food web refers to an ecosystem, a food chain refers only to a particular habitat.





Trees in the rainforest store __________, which is released into the atmosphere when the trees are cut down and which may contribute to climate change.A.
carbon dioxide


Trees in the rainforests store CARBON DIOXIDE. The trees absorb CO2 and therefore when they are cut down, they release the stored CO2 into the atmosphere which contributes the climate change. The correct answer to this question is letter "B. Carbon Dioxide". I hope this helps.


Carbon Dioxide
