The 1920s revival in African American culture, including literature and music, is known as theA. Great Gatsby.
B. Jazz Era.
C. Harlem Renaissance.
D. Jelly Roll generation.


Answer 1
Answer: This movement was known as C, Harlem Renaissance. At the time, it was also called 'New Negro Movement'. 

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exercise of freedom of expression by some Media houses in SA and related that to the applicable limitations in the constitution

Which of these distinguish language from other forms of communication? Select all that apply.


Language is the ability to utter and enable communication within a specific locale. Language is usually formed out of sounds and hums which were those primitively used and now formed to be spoken as words. In making language it is usually by tribe or culture-formed. 


It changes over time, it's arbitrary, and it's systematic.


Just did the Odyssey ware assignment.

The wood was easy to cut mary saw cut through the woods like...


scissors cutting paper

What is the structure of this sentence? Columbus came upon the Pinta, another ship, and suggested that the two ships set sail for Spain.



C. complex because "and" is a coordinating conjunction that introduces a second independent clause, but "another ship" is not a dependent clause as it contains no verb. :)

Which sentence best summarizes this excerpt from Book 21 of the Odyssey?


Penelope takes Odysseus's bow down from its place of honor on the wall. She remembers how he obtained it as the payment for a debt from Iphitos from Lakedaimon.Don't worry—Homer tells you the story: Odysseus met Iphitos in Messene, where he (Odysseus) had come claiming the natives owed Ithaka for having stolen some sheep way back when. Iphitos was also there on the account of livestock; he was tracking some stray mares that apparently wandered to Messene themselves.But these mares ended up being the death of Iphitos, since he later wandered to the house of Herakles (Hercules), who promptly killed him so he could have the mares.The point is, Odysseus became friends with Iphitos; he gave him a sword and spear, and Iphitos in return gave him the bow that Penelope is now taking off the wall.Back to the Queen. She approaches the suitors and announces the contest and all its details, which we've already heard.Eumaios and Philoitios present the weapons and both break down in tears, since they know Penelope has given up hope that her husband will ever return.Antinoös mocks them for their sniveling, of course.Telemachos is the first to try stringing the bow, not because he wants to marry his mother (he'll leave that to this ancient Greek hero), but because he wants to prove his strength, manliness, and virility.After four tries, it looks like Telemachos is finally about to succeed—when beggar Odysseus signals for him not to do it. Convenient.Telemachos obeys and hands the bow over to the first suitor, who fails miserably.Antinoös orders Melanthios to build a fire and bring a cake of lard so that they can limber up the bow in the hopes of stringing it. (Cheating!)As he does, beggar Odysseus notices Eumaios and Philoitios leaving the hall. He rushes after them and reveals himself as Odysseus. As proof, he shows them his scar. Woohoo!In the meantime, Eurymachos has been shamed by the bow; he can't string it, either.To delay his own attempt, Antinoös distracts everyone's attention with the feast and says he'll try the bow tomorrow after they have eaten.Beggar Odysseus speaks up; he wants a chance at stringing the bow.The suitors, especially Antinoös, emphatically say no. They're afraid he can actually do it, since they saw his absolutely awesome body a few days before.Penelope scolds Antinoös and Eurymachos for treating the beggar so badly and invites him to give it a shot.Telemachos uncharacteristically steps forward and tells his mother that this is a man's affair and she ought to go upstairs and be a woman. Alone. In the bedroom.Incidentally, that's where ancient Greek women actually did spend a lot of their time.Penelope obeys, marveling at Telemachos's sudden bravery. Because there's nothing a mom likes better than being ordered around by her son.As the beggar takes his time feeling the bow, Telemachos tells Eurykleia to shut all the women in their rooms and tell them not to come out until summoned, even if they hear sounds of battle.As the beggar takes his time stringing the bow, the suitors shout insults at him……Until he successfully strings the bow in one easy motion, grabs an arrow and shoots it straight through the twelve axe heads.In the silence that follows, Zeus sends a sign of his favor—a single thunderclap.Telemachos arms himself and moves to stand next to his now unmasked father.Odysseus is back. Yeah!

Which of the following question should a speaker ask to determine the reliability of a resource?

A. Is the information in the source written by an expert in the field?
B. Is the source readily available online or in libraries should audiences want to learn more?
C. Is the information in the source relevant to the topic?
D. Is the information source well-known to the audience?
E. Is the information in the source too technical for audiences to understand?



A. Is the information in the source written by an expert in the field?


This is one of the most important factors when it comes to finding a good and reliable source. We should find information about the author, about his previous work, experience and education. It can be helpful to see if it is published by some university or another institution. This is significant because the right to publish permits anyone share their work.

B. Is the source readily available online or in libraries should audiences want to learn more?

Many sources that are not easily accessible, in another words, maybe not all the libraries have that certain book or maybe it is necessary to pay to download it, etc. This factor will not exactly tell us if the source is reliable or not.

C. Is the information in the source relevant to the topic?

Maybe the source gave us knowledge, facts or data that isn't about the topic, but it explains some additional information helping the reader to understand better.

D. Is the information source well-known to the audience?

The source can be published a few days ago and it could be a very good article. Most probably, the audience isn't still familiar with the work just because it is recent.

E. Is the information in the source too technical for audiences to understand?

It is our task to adapt our text, presentation, conference, etc. to the audience we are preparing it for. Imagine that a high school professor is explaining gravity to the students. He may be using some serious and detailed source about physics, that his/her students wouldn't understand on their own, but it is exactly his/her task to adapt the information to the audience.

Which of the following is correct in regard to the use of formal English?A. In formal business correspondence, it's best keep the language impersonal.
B. Contractions are considered acceptable in any document.
C. In formal English, we use words to say precisely what we mean.
D. Formal English is used more frequently in speaking than in writing.
exam (C.) is correct answer :-)


I would say that both A and C could be correct.
It is indeed best to keep everything objective and impersonal in formal business correspondence, but we also use words to say precisely what we mean.