Which one of the poems you've read has the rhyme scheme AA BB CC . . . ?A. "The Long Voyage"
B. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"
C. "Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds"
D. "Trees"


Answer 1
Answer: The poem that has the rhyme scheme AA BB CC is D. "Trees"

The poem, written by Joyce Kilmer, goes like this:

I think that I shall see - A
A poem lovely as a tree - A
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest - B
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast - B
A tree that looks at God all day - C
And lifts her leafy arms to pray - C
A tree that may in Summer wear - D
A nest of robins in her hair - D
Upon whose bosom snow has lain - E
Who intimately lives with rain - E
Poems are made by fools like me - A
But only God can make a tree - A

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The correct sequence of the sentence presented above is dependent clause, independent clause, dependent clause. As the name suggests and illustrated in the sentence, dependent clause cannot stand on its own and does not express a complete thought, thus needs the independent clause to function properly.



The sentence you showed up above is a dependent clause!


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a. The verb tenses shift.

b. The verb tenses are consistent.


The verb tenses are consistent. Both the verbs use the present simple form which shows that there is no tense shift.

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B.The story blends elements of fictional narrative and historical fact.
C.The story leaves out character and plot, including only historical data.
D.The story contains only historical figures and has no imaginary figures.
E.The story describes imaginary figures and events, ignoring factual history.


The correct answer is B. The story blends elements of fictional narrative and historical fact.


The term "Historical Fiction" refers to a literary subgenre that mixes elements of both factual history and fiction. Because of this, it is common stories that belong to this genre, include settings, situations that occurred in the past or even historical figures mixed with fictional characters or events, that allow the author to depict the social conditions of one historical period without completely attaching to the facts or reality. Additionally, his sub-genre was first defined during the 19th century, but it is believed some traditional and ancient texts such as the Greek epics are part of it. Considering this, it can be concluded one essential element of historical fiction is that "The story blends elements of fictional narrative and historical fact" because the essence of this subgenre is the mix between the historical reality and the fictional reality created by the author.

B. The story blends elements of fictional narrative and historical fact

Match each word in bold to its meaning within the context of the sentence.Tiles

1-a person's face
2-regions with relation to their weather patterns
3-a side of the body


And all her silken flanks with garlands drest?
(excerpt from “Ode on a Grecian Urn” by John Keats)

Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
(excerpt from “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley)

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
(excerpt from “She Walks in Beauty” by Lord Byron)


1. a person's face. B: visage - Literary: the face. Formal: countenance (face). Face (head)

2. regions with relation to their weather patterns. C: Climes - Literary: a placewhere the weather is different in a particular way.

3. a side of the body. A: flanks - the area of the body between the ribs and the hips of a person or an animal.

Flanks-side of body

Visage-a persons face

Climes-regions with to their weather patterns

Rewrite the sentence by making the pronoun agree with the antecedent.Every good homeowner plays their part in keeping the neighborhood clean and safe.


Every good homeowner plays their part in keeping the neighborhood clean and safe.
Antecedent: every good homeowner
Pronoun: their (which is incorrect because "every homeowner" is singular)

For singular antecedents, we should use singular pronouns. Singular pronouns include: I, he, she, it, and you. Since this refers to a second person (every homeowner), we can't use "I", "it", and "you". Hence, we can use "he" or "she" instead.

CORRECT SENTENCE: Every good homeowner plays his/her part in keeping the neighborhood clean and safe.

Final answer:

The rewritten sentence to make the pronoun agree with the antecedent is: 'Every good homeowner plays his or her part in keeping the neighborhood clean and safe.'


To make the pronoun agree with the antecedent in the sentence, 'Every good homeowner plays their part in keeping the neighborhood clean and safe,' we should replace 'their' with 'his or her,' because the antecedent 'Every good homeowner' is singular. Thus, the revised sentence is: 'Every good homeowner plays his or her part in keeping the neighborhood clean and safe.'

Learn more about Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement here:



What does the phrase "purpled thy nail" refer to in this excerpt from "The Flea" by John Donne?Cruel and sudden, hast thou since
Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence

a.an injury the speaker's beloved incurred as he wooed her
the shared blood of the speaker and his beloved in the flea
the loss of the beloved's innocence symbolized by the flea
the beloved's sudden cruel treatment of the speaker


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "c.the loss of the beloved's innocence symbolized by the flea." the phrase "purpled thy nail" refer to in this excerpt from "The Flea" by John Donne is that c.the loss of the beloved's innocence symbolized by the flea


B. the shared blood of the speaker and his beloved in the flea
