What is the outermost layer of cells


Answer 1
Answer: the outer layer of a cell is called epidermis. 

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Hi There! :)

What is the term for the main stream and tributaries of a river?

The region drained by a river and its tributaries is the river basin. The actual river and tributaries is the river system.

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I'm assuming you mean ,What has the greatest effect on blood flow? because you didn't give any answer choices. So there for your answer is, blood vessel radius. Please tell me if this helped or not.


A) Radius of vessel


Which of the following is not a reason for the lack of a fossil record from the Precambrian time? A. The single-celled organisms that existed during that time did not leave easily identifiable fossils. B. Like the rocks of the Phanerozoic eon, Precambrian rocks contain many visible signs of complex life forms. C. Multi-celled organisms evolved in the oceans during the latest years of the Precambrian time. D. Precambrian rock has been eroded or metamorphosed over billions of years, and very little of it remains at the surface.


The right answer is B

The development towards 1.4 Ga of eukaryotes, aerobic organisms such as unicellular algae, will be decisive for the oxygenation of the Earth's atmosphere.

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competitive exclusion




The concept that is shown by the relationship between the Oahu Amakihi and the Kauai Amakihi is competitive exclusion.


the correct answer is A competitive exclusion


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Geological change will not cause a mass extinction, because it happens on a too big scale - on the scale of millions of years. During such long time, it is more likely that other causes will influence the survival of extinction of species, such as climate change or environmental disasters, and even if there is a small influence, it would not be significant next to other causes.

How is burning fossil fules different from other processes that cycle carbon in enviornments on earth



Burning fossil fuels is different from other processes that cycle carbon in environments on Earth in the following ways:

Speed: Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere much more quickly than other natural processes. For example, it takes millions of years for carbon dioxide to be released from rocks and sediments through natural processes, but fossil fuels can be burned in a matter of seconds.

Scale: The amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels is much greater than the amount released from other natural processes. In 2019, humans emitted about 38 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, of which about 89% came from burning fossil fuels.

Location: Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in specific locations, such as cities and power plants. This can lead to high concentrations of carbon dioxide in certain areas, which can have negative impacts on human health and the environment.

Other processes that cycle carbon in environments on Earth include:

Photosynthesis: Plants use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce food.

Respiration: Plants and animals release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when they breathe.

Decomposition: When plants and animals die, their bodies are decomposed by bacteria and fungi, which release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Weathering: Rocks and sediments are weathered over time, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Volcanic eruptions: Volcanic eruptions can release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

These natural processes cycle carbon between the atmosphere, land, and oceans. The carbon cycle is a natural process that has been happening for millions of years. However, human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, are disrupting the carbon cycle and causing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to rise. This is leading to climate change, which is having negative impacts on the planet and its inhabitants.

To reduce the impact of burning fossil fuels on the carbon cycle, we can transition to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. We can also improve energy efficiency and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

hope this helps <3