Which of the following is not a helping verb?
A. be
B. must
C. would
D. can


Answer 1
Answer: There are 23 helpings verbs in the English language. All of those listed are technically helping verbs, although, if you were to circle one, the correct answer would be (d) be.

Helping verbs must be paired with another verb, such as "She must go to school." Must is a helping verb and it is paired with go, the verb.

Be, however, can be used in other ways as well, such as in the case of, "She will be there." Here, it as used as a verb, which allows you to circle (d) as your answer.
Answer 2
Answer: All of these are helping verbs.
Be - is a primary helping verb.
Must,Would and Can - are modal helping verbs.

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The different elements of the speech can be matched up as follows: 1) Personal background of the speaker - this can be matched to part B where some context is given about who Franklin D. Roosevelt was. 2) Historical Context - this can be matched to part A in which the context of the sppech in relation to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour is explained. 3) Audience and purpose - this can be matched to part D - in which it is explained how the intended audience for the speech felt at the time and how Roosevelt wanted them to feel after the speech was made. 4) Historical impact - this can be matched to part C in which it is explained the extent to which the Day of Infamy speech has become a crucial and symbolic part of American history.

1. Personal Background of the Speaker = Franklin D. Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States...

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2. Historical Context = On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked the US naval base...

In this answer choice, the author is describing the historical reason behind the "Day of Infamy" speech. It tells the reader why this speech was given.

3. Audience and Purpose = The nation was in shock...

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4. Historical Impact = The "Day of Infamy" speech became one of the most famous and influential speeches...

This explains what happened after the speech. It shows how people have studied the speech and referenced it many times throughout history. It was even used when comparing the only other time the US was attacked on its own soil - Sept. 11th.



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B motive-driven characterization
C direct characterization
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(D) Indirect characterization is most often used in drama.

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D. Indirect characterization

Determine the part of speech for the italicized word in the sentence below."(He) stood me up on Friday night!" Tanith screamed hysterically.


Answer: the italicized word is He and it is a pronoun.

Explanation: He is specifically a subject pronoun and it is rated as the third person singular and corresponds to a male. Here's a chart of the subject pronouns:

First person singular:       I              First person plural:      we

Second person singular: you         Second person plural: you

Third person singular: He, She, It  Third person plural:     they

The correct answer is "pronoun", if the parentheses means that the italicized part is "He".

He is a third person singular pronoun denoting a male.