In which sentence does the verb agree with the subject? A. Nobody on the team has played in this stadium before.
B. Someone in the book club have recommended that novel.
C. Everybody at the university are studying for exams.


Answer 1
Answer: A. Nobody on the team has played in this stadium before.
Answer 2
Answer: A. Nobody on the team has played in this stadium before. 
The verb is agreeing to the subject. 

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Hello, please, can you help me?Thank you very much, I am French I learn your language.

The population of London is tired of the situation in the East End crime, unhealthy,
poor child exploitation ...
A group of people behind this protest decided to help by contacting
directly to Queen Victoria, and you are responsible (e) to draw up the petition.
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I don't know how you talk, so you can rephrase this. This is in two languages. French and English. Hope this helps. Some word are spaced out, that means to start another paragraph and indented it.

So this is in French:

Votre Majesté, je suis désolé de déranger, mais leur est un problème avec notre population. La population diminue chaque jour. Leur sont la surpopulation, la pauvreté, la criminalité violente, industrie sale et des troubles sociaux. East London a toujours été le parent pauvre du West End. Reine Victoria lorsque vous étendu l'Empire britannique le commerce et l'industrie lourde a fait ainsi. Lorsque le nouveau Dock St Katherine ouvert, de sorte que les personnes qui ont besoin d'emplois. Les dockers. Les salaires étaient pitoyable, grâce à des pratiques d'emploi sans scrupules tels que le travail occasionnel et à la pièce. La maladie était répandue: en 1866, une épidémie de choléra a balayé l'East End, tuant 3.000 personnes. Les personnes qui ont surmonté la pauvreté, ont fui vers un autre pays.          Certaines solutions ont plus de transport comme les voitures, les bus, vélos, etc et pour la population croissante, et pour les gens peuvent avoir une sorte de transport. Vous pourriez 3 fois par semaine donner la nourriture gratuite pauvres dont ils ont besoin avec de l'eau. Ouvrez certains plus d'emplois pour eux.

This is in English:
  Your majesty, I'm sorry to bother, but their is a problem with our population. The population is decreasing each day. Their are overcrowding, poverty, violent crime, grimy industry and social unrest. East London has always been the poor relation of the West End. Queen Victoria when you expanded the British Empire the trade and heavy industry did as well. When the new St Katherine Dock opened up, so did the people who needed jobs. Dock workers. Wages were pitiful, thanks to unscrupulous employment practices such as casual labour and piecework. Disease was rife: in 1866, a cholera epidemic swept the East End, killing 3,000 people. The people who overcame the poverty, fled to another country.         Some solutions are having more transportation like cars, buses, bikes, and etc for the growing population, and for the people can have some sort of transportation. You could 3 times a week give the poor free food that they need along with water. Open up some more jobs for them.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each medium used for the DNA information?


The main role of DNA is the long term storage of information. They contain the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each medium?

Text Medium

Advantage :- Under Text Medium, data can be stored in a fully detailed way.

Disadvantage :- On the other hand, text medium is too monotone and boring.

Audio Medium

Advantage :- Audio medium can be easier to used to deliver excitement

Disadvantage :- There is no visualization is present under this medium.

Learn more about DNA information, refer to the link:


The  mediums that are used for DNA information are :
- Text medium
- Audio medium

Text Medium
Advantage : information can be stored in a fully detailed way
disadvantage : too monotone and boring

Audio Medium
Advantage : CAn be easier to used to deliver excitement
Disadvantage : No visual medium

hope this helps

Is the verbal Skydiving an infinitive, participle, or gerund?


the word is infinitive

I have to do a science project for my science fair and I don't really know what to do, I don't have a really good question. I have to do an experiment based on the subject i do. Anyone have any suggestions?


Anything current issue related. Environmental projects tend to do well especially when conducting experiments as you can use the resources all around you. The effects of carbon dioxide on a small plant, or something like a closed-jar terrarium. These can be very good starting points as there are many variables and talking points.

A feeling of ill will or Anger toward another.


A feeling of ill will or Anger toward another is Hostility. The correct answer is Hostility.

What is Hostility?

While hostility might be normal, it only becomes overwhelming, all-consuming, and disruptive of daily life when it becomes a sign of an underlying illness.

Ill will is the expression of aggressive or unpleasant feelings towards someone. He had no grudges against anyone. All of this has led to a great deal of animosity towards the armed forces. Alternatives: animosity, spite, dislike, and hatred.

Dudgeon, huff, indignation, pique, and umbrage are some typical synonyms for resentment. Resentment implies long-lasting indignation or ill will, even if all these words refer to "an emotional response to or an emotional state resulting from a slight or indignity."

Therefore, Hostility is a state of ill will and bad feelings.

Learn more about Hostility, here;


True it would malice is this from wordly wise?

Verb in the sentence: Grandma plants bulbs every fall.


She plants bulbs.
plants is the verb in this sentence