What are the seas and oceans that surround zimbabwe


Answer 1
Answer: Zimbabwe has no oceans or seas surrounded by it but the Indian oven is close and the south Atlantic Ocean
Answer 2
Answer: Zimbabwe is land locked country, meaning there are no seas or oceans surrounding it..

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Which did the nations of Western Europe attempt to achieve in the decades following WWII?a) new trade restrictions
b) a new wave of imperialism
c) increased social welfare
d) the spread of communism


The nations of Western Europe attempt to achieve increased social welfare in the decades following WWII.

What is increased social welfare?

A social welfare system serves as the system that provide assistance to individuals and families in need.

It cones with programs such as health care assistance, food stamps, therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about increased social welfare at;



c) increased social welfare


The Marshall Plan - officially called European Recovery Program, ERP - was an initiative of the United States to help Western Europe, in which the Americans gave financial aid worth about 14 billion dollars at the time for the reconstruction of those European countries devastated after the Second World War. The plan was in operation for four years since 1948. The objectives of the United States were to rebuild those areas destroyed by the war, eliminate barriers to trade, modernize European industry and make the continent prosperous again; all these objectives were intended to prevent the spread of communism, which had a large and growing influence in post-war Europe. The Marshall Plan required a decrease in interstate barriers, reduced business regulation and encouraged increased productivity, union membership and new "modern" business models.

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What is the chief purpose of the executive branch?


"The executive powers shall be vested in the President of the US He shall hold his office during the term of four years together with vice president, chosen for the same term. Also it must enforce and approve bills and policies."

what is the meaning of “separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s god entitle them”




  1. There is a peculiar phrase up high in the Declaration of Independence that asserts the right of the American people to assume."When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.\
  2. these both are really equally distributed too.
  3. hopefully it helps you

Final answer:

The phrase 'separate and equal station' refers to the inherent equality and right to independence of all individuals and nations as per the laws of nature and divine law. Misinterpreted in Plessy v. Ferguson to facilitate segregation, the doctrine was corrected in Brown v. Board of Education.


The phrase 'separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s god entitle them' is from the Declaration of Independence and signifies that all nations have the right to be independent and equal in status, as per the laws of nature and divine law. This idea is rooted in the belief that all individuals and, by extension, all nations, are inherently equal and possess certain unalienable rights. The term was later misinterpreted in cases like Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) to justify the doctrine of 'separate but equal,' which, in contradiction to the earlier mentioned principle, facilitated racial segregation. This misinterpretation was corrected during the landmark Brown v. Board of Education (1954) case, which ruled that 'separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.'

Learn more about Separate and Equal Station here:



Which country did Germany try to bring into the war?





Answer: Britain and France declare war on Germany.
